20世纪80年月以来,世界列国掀起了新一轮的课程改造。特别看重中小学课程改造。但是,韩语论文网站,我国在停止数学新课程改造的进程中,许多实际上的设法主意很难在理论中获得成效。因此,韩语论文范文,有需要睁开国际视野,汲取他国的改造经历,增进我国新课程改造的顺遂实行。笔者以中韩两国初中数学课程变迁为配景,分离对两国初中数学课程现行课程尺度、数学课程内容和数学课程评价停止比较,并对我国新课程改造提出一些有效的建议。论文共分五章,可以划分为三部门。第一部门包含三章的内容(第1一3章)。第1章重要阐述了本研究的配景,研究的目标及意义;第2章给出了本次研究的实际基本建构主义与多元智力实际;第3章纵不雅中韩两国初中数学课程变迁的情形,为第二部门供给研究配景。第二部门(第4章)是本文的焦点部门。共分为3节。第1节是对两国现行数学课程尺度的比拟;第2节是两国初中数学内容的比较;第3节是对两国数学评价停止比较。经由过程对中韩初中数学三个方面的比拟,得出差别,为我国的新课程改造供给参考材料。第三部门(第5章)自创与启发。纵不雅中韩两国数学课程的差异,对我国数学课程改造停止反思,提出了以下建议(1)进一步完美新课程尺度的制订; (2)增强教员部队扶植,合营新课程改造的实行;(3)增强教材弹性扶植;(4)开辟心思化的教材;(5)树立以定量评价为主、定性评价相联合的评价措施;(6)充足施展生长记载袋的感化。 Abstract: Since twentieth Century 80 years, the world has set off a new round of curriculum reform. Special emphasis on curriculum reform in primary and secondary schools. However, in the process of the transformation of the new mathematics curriculum, many practical ideas are difficult to obtain results in theory. Therefore, there is a need to open international vision, to learn through transformation of his country, to promote the new curriculum reform in our country and well implemented. The to China and South Korea of junior middle school mathematics curriculum changes as the background, separation of two junior middle school mathematics curriculum current curriculum standards, mathematics curriculum and mathematics curriculum evaluation compared, and puts forward some effective suggestions to China's new curriculum reform. Paper is divided into five chapters, can be divided into three sectors. The first section contains the contents of the three chapter (Chapter 3, chapter first). Chapter 1 is important expounded the research background, research goal and significance; Chapter 2 is given during the discussion of the basic theory of constructivism and multiple intelligence practical; Chapter 3 longitudinal indecent China and Korea junior high school mathematics curriculum changes. The second part studies provide a background. The second part (the fourth chapter) is the focal point of this paper. The total is divided into 3 sections. The first section is the comparison of the two countries in the current mathematics curriculum standard; the second section is the comparison between the two countries in the junior high school mathematics content; the third section is the comparison between the two countries mathematical evaluation. Through the process of China and South Korea three aspects of junior high school mathematics, draw the difference, for our country's new curriculum reform and supply reference materials. The third sector (the fifth chapter): self creation and inspiration. Vertical Ya ROK mathematics curriculum of the similarities and differences, of our country mathematics curriculum reform reflection, put forward the following suggestions: (1) to further perfect the new curriculum standard formulation; (2) to enhance teachers troops construction, joint venture in the new curriculum reform implementation; (3) enhanced the flexibility of textbook materials help plant; (4) open up thoughts of teaching materials; (5) establish a quantitative evaluation and qualitative evaluation phase combination evaluation method; (6) cast sufficient growth record bag effect. 目录: 摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4 1 绪论 7-11 1.1 选题背景 7 1.2 探讨意义 7-8 1.3 探讨近况 8-9 1.3.1 中国的探讨近况 8-9 1.3.2 韩国的探讨近况 9 1.4 探讨措施 9-11 1.4.1 文献法 10 1.4.2 比较法 10-11 2 初中数学课程探讨的理论基础 11-15 2.1 多元智力理论 11-12 2.1.1 多元智力理论的基本内涵 11-12 2.1.2 多元智力理论要求关注不同学生的不同数学发展 12 2.2 建构主义理论 12-15 2.2.1 建构主义理论的内涵 13 2.2.2 建构主义对数学课程的作用 13-15 3 中韩两国初中数学课程的变迁 15-23 3.1 对数学课程的理解 15 3.2 中国的数学课程变迁 15-19 3.3 韩国的数学课程变迁 19-23 4 中韩两国初中数学课程标准、课程内容和课程评价比较 23-47 4.1 中韩两国现行课程标准的比较 23-34 4.1.1 中国现行课程标准 24-28 4.1.2 韩国现行课程标准 28-33 4.1.3 中韩两国现行课程标准比较 33-34 4.2 中韩两国初中数学课程内容比较 34-38 4.2.1 中国初中数学课程内容 34-36 4.2.2 韩国初中数学课程内容 36-37 4.2.3 两国数学新课程内容比较与略论 37-38 4.3 中韩两国初中数学课程评价比较 38-47 4.3.1 中国初中数学课程评价 39-43 4.3.2 韩国初中数学课程评价 43-45 4.3.3 中韩两国初中数学课程评价比较略论 45-47 5 借鉴与启示 47-52 参考文献 52-57 在读期间发表论文 57-58 后记 58 |