中韩文明交换的汗青积厚流光,两国国民彼此进修,相互自创,韩语论文题目,发明了残暴的文明。两国之间的文明交换不管是从深度上照样从广度下去剖析,均是任何国度所没法比较的。中韩两国在文明上同属“儒家文明圈”,汗青上的文明交换大张旗鼓;然则到了近代,韩语论文题目,因为各方面的缘由,曾涌现太短暂的停止。现代,跟着中韩两国政治关系走向正常化,两国之间又再次涌现了文明交换的热潮。文明交换的主体、内容和情势赓续增长和丰硕,文明交换的程度和质量也赓续进步。文明交换在中韩关系成长中饰演了极端主要的脚色,在中韩两国关系的稳步成长中具有深远的作用和严重的意义,为往后两国在各个范畴成长友爱协作交换,开拓了辽阔的远景。然则我们也应当看到文明交换进程中发生的一些成绩,好比文明争端成绩、汗青成绩等,个中还包含许多人所担忧的韩国文明作用成绩,这些成绩都分歧水平的作用了两国关系的正常成长。面临这些我们应当在互相尊敬、加深懂得的基本上,施展两国汗青文明接洽的优势,以北京奥运会为契机,增强协作,配合扶植两国周全协作同伴关系。 Abstract: China and South Korea cultural exchange history has a long history, the peoples of mutual learning, mutual reference, the invention of the brutal civilization. Between the two countries civilization exchange whether it is from the depth still from the breadth down analysis, is any country in which no comparison. China and South Korea belong to the civilization "Confucian culture circle", in the history of civilization exchange fanfare; however in modern times, because of various reasons, have poured in now is too short to stop. In modern times, along with China and South Korea political relations between the two countries toward normalization, once again emerged the upsurge of cultural exchange. The subject, the content and form of civilization exchange increases ceaselessly and rich, civilized exchange degree and the quality also rises ceaselessly. Civilization exchange plays extremely important role in the growth of relations between China and Korea, have far-reaching influence and great significance in the steady growth of the bilateral relations between China and South Korea, in exchange for future cooperation in each category growth friendly cooperation, opens up broad prospects. However, we should also see civilization exchange occurring in the process of some problems, like dispute civilization achievements, historical performance, which also contains many people worry about the Korean culture affect the results, these results are different level affected the normal development of bilateral relations. Faced with these we should on mutual respect, enhance mutual understanding basically to display the advantages of both historical and cultural contact, taking the Beijing Olympic Games will be as an opportunity to strengthen cooperation, with foster bilateral comprehensive cooperative partnership. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 目录 6-7 导论 7-13 第一节 选题背景和意义 7-10 第二节 探讨动态 10-12 第三节 探讨结构和探讨措施 12-13 第一章 当代中韩文化交流的近况与特点 13-25 第一节 当代中韩文化交流近况 13-18 第二节 当代中韩文化交流特点 18-21 第三节 中韩文化交流发展的原因 21-25 第二章 当代中韩文化交流对两国关系的作用 25-39 第一节 文化交流对中韩政治关系的作用 25-31 第二节 文化交流对中韩经贸关系的作用 31-35 第三节 文化交流对两国社会的作用 35-39 第三章 中韩文化交流中产生的问题及对策 39-51 第一节 文化交流中产生的问题 39-46 第二节 在处理未来中韩关系中的文化交流时我国的对策 46-51 结语 51-53 注释 53-56 参考文献 56-59 后记 59 |