国际教导改造的配景下,中韩两国物理课程停止了与时期符合的改造,阅历了八次的课程改造。课程尺度作为课程的中不雅情势,是课程改造的焦点部门。本研究试图基于课程尺度对中韩两国的物理课程停止比拟为我国初中物理课程加倍有益于先生迷信素养的造就供给参考性建议。中国事分科课程,韩国事拼盘式的综合课程。韩国的物理课程包括在迷信课程内,所以对迷信课程的理念、性质、目的也异样相符于物理课程。本文重要采取文献法、比拟研究法,以课程的心思学、社会学、哲学实际和比拟教导实际为实际基本。在懂得中韩初中物理课程成长汗青的基本上,以中韩两国初中现行的物理课程尺度为根据,从课程理念、课程性质、课程目的、课程内容、课程评价等方面停止比拟,得出以下结论:(1)中韩初中物理课程理念比拟中韩初中物理课程理念都重视先生的周全成长,尊敬先生的特性成长;课程理念的焦点都是造就迷信素养;凸起了“先生为本”的不雅念;看重在物理教导中渗入渗出STS教导。但课程理念表述的主题分歧;课程理念触及的内容也有所分歧。(2)中韩初中物理课程性质比拟中韩初中物理课程性质都存眷根本常识的控制;看重先生研讨才能息争决成绩的才能的造就;重视学科与生涯的接洽。但韩国的初中物理课程性质加倍看重物理课程与工学,艺术,数学等相干学科的接洽。(3)中韩初中物理课程目的比拟中韩初中物理课程目的陈说的行动主体都是先生;行动动词上,固然韩国没有明白的划分,但韩国的行动动词目的维度与中国雷同;课程总目的都以造就先生的迷信素养为焦点理念,涵盖三维目的的请求。中韩初中物理课程分目的都看重物理基本常识和技巧的进修;强调技巧的练习,重视才能的造就;存眷先生迷信立场、内涵兴致、猎奇心和求知欲的造就。但两国在三维目的详细请求有所分歧。中韩初中物理课程目的条理的比拟中,韩国的初中物理课程的物资、活动和互相感化、能量,三部门课程目的条理都比中国的年夜。(4)中韩初中物理课程内容比拟中韩初中物理课程内容都包括了物资、活动和互相感化、能量三部门内容,但触及的详细常识点分歧;中国的初中物理课程内容广度比韩国年夜。并且两国物资、活动和互相感化、能量,各部门课程内容广度在总的内容广度中所占的比例类似。(5)中韩初中物理课程评价比拟中韩初中物理课程评价中,两都城是评价办法多样化,评价内容周全化,看重评价的成长功效;但韩国课程评价偏向于构成性评价,中国的课程评价偏向于总结性评价,并且评价内容着重点分歧。基于课程尺度对中韩初中物理课程的比拟中,对我国课程改造起到了以下几点的启发:(1)在课程理念方面,我国课程理念的表述可自创韩国“物理课程要造就甚么样的人”的表述措施,使我国物理课程加倍表现“以先生的成长为本”课程的焦点理念。(2)在课程性质方面,我国课程性质方面可增长与其他范畴学科的融会,如许有益于运用常识处理生涯傍边的现实成绩和懂得迷信、技巧、社会的互相关系,有益于迷信素养的造就。(3)在课程目的方面,我国的课程目的可恰当的进步课程目的条理,增长先生技巧性目的和体验性目的的请求,加倍有益于增长先生迷信素养的造就。(4)在课程内容方面,我国的课程内容可恰当削减课程内容广度,加重先生累赘,让先生有更多的精神和时光去体验和感触感染物理,有益于造就先生的迷信素养。(5)在课程评价方面,绝关于总结性评价可恰当增长构成性评价。使先生的进修实时的获得反应,处理先生在进修傍边的艰苦,有益于造就先生的迷信素养。经由过程研究自己以为比拟于分科课程,综合课程加倍有益于先生迷信素养的造就,建议我国进一步扩展实行综合课程规模。 Abstract: Under the background of international education reform, the two countries in China and South Korea to stop the physical course of the reform, and the reform of the course of the eight times. Curriculum standard as the curriculum of the middle of the situation, is the focus of curriculum reform. This research attempts to provide a reference for the students of China and South Korea in the course of the curriculum standard for the comparison between the two countries' physical course. China about curriculum, integrated curriculum of South Korea's assorted cold dishes. South Korea's physical curriculum, including in the science curriculum, so the concept of "science" curriculum, nature, purpose is also different from the "physical" curriculum. In this paper, we take the method of literature, comparative study, with the idea of the curriculum, sociology, philosophy and practical teaching of practical basic. In the middle school physics curriculum development history of China and South Korea, the junior middle school physics curriculum standard is based on the concept, curriculum, curriculum, curriculum content, curriculum evaluation and other aspects of the following conclusions: (1) the concept of junior middle school physics curriculum ideas are attached to the development of mr.. However, the curriculum concept of the theme of the differences; the contents of the course concept has also been divided. (2) the nature of the junior middle school physics curriculum in China and South Korea are concerned with the control of the basic common sense, and the value of the talent to explore the ability to make a decision, and to pay attention to the connection between the discipline and career. However, South Korea's junior high school physics curriculum nature of the value of physical courses and engineering, art, mathematics and other related disciplines. (3) South Korea junior high school physics curriculum aims to compare China and South Korea in the junior middle school physics curriculum to shew the action of the main body is Mr.; action verbs, although South Korea did not understand the division, but South Korea action verbs, objective dimension and the same; the overall purpose of the course are to bring up the student's scientific literacy as the focus of philosophy, covering three-dimensional objective request. China and South Korea in the junior middle school physics curriculum targets are valued physics basic knowledge and skills of learning; emphasizes skills practice, attention to training; put attention to Mr. scientific manner, connotation of interest, curiosity and seek knowledge desire to create. But the two countries in detail for the purpose of a different three-dimensional. South Korea junior middle school physics curriculum objectives and levels of the comparison, the South Korea's junior high school physics curriculum materials, activities and interaction, energy, the three departments of the course objectives are more than the eve of china. (4) the contents of the junior middle school physics curriculum in China and South Korea include the material, the activity and the mutual influence and the energy of the three departments, but the details are different. And the contents of the two countries are similar to the contents of the material, the activity and the mutual influence and the energy. (5) evaluation of the physics course Junior Middle School of China and South Korea compared to the evaluation of the physics course Junior Middle School of China and South Korea, the city to the two capitals is the diversification of evaluation methods, evaluation content is comprehensive of, value evaluation of the growth effect; but South Korea curriculum evaluation bias in the constitution of evaluation, the Chinese curriculum evaluation bias on the summary of the evaluation, and evaluation of the content of the key differences. Based on the curriculum standard of junior middle school physics curriculum in China, the curriculum reform of our country has the following several points: (1) in the curriculum concept, the concept of curriculum ideas in our country can create what kind of people, the expression method, so that our country's physics curriculum to double the performance of "the development of students as the" focus of the concept. (2) in the nature of the course, the nature of the course can be merged with other disciplines category growth. Such useful in the application of common sense processing career Bangbian the real results and understand the science, technology, and social relationships with each other, beneficial to scientific literacy training. (3) for the purpose of the course, the purpose of our country's course is to make the appropriate progress of the purpose of the course, the growth of the purpose of the purpose and the request of the experience of the purpose, more useful for the growth of the scientific literacy of the students. (4) in the course content, the contents of our country can be appropriate to cut the course content breadth, aggravating the burden, let the students have more spirit and time to experience and feel the physical, beneficial to create a scientific literacy. (5) in the course of evaluation, the evaluation of the absolute summary of the assessment of the appropriate growth of the. To enable students to obtain the real-time response study, treatment in the study among Mr. hard, beneficial to create the scientific literacy of mr.. Through the process of research, we think it is more than the course, the integrated curriculum is more beneficial to the development of the students' scientific literacy. It is suggested that the scale of our country is further expanded. 目录: |