
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The tide of globalization encourages each country involved in the international division of labor, give full play to the advantage of itself. Globalization has also prompted the application of other nations to strengthen their competitive advantage. The application of international direct investment, and can own advantages and other advantages together. International direct investment between the two countries to jointly promote bilateral advantage, business growth. Vernon in the actual product life cycle in that country's foreign direct investment stimulating the growth of import and export business. In the product production scale continuously in the future, production cost restricts the competitiveness of products. Home via a method of direct investment in low labor cost in China to set up factories, the application of the host country's labor force to stop to give birth, production products will no longer be sold back to the home and the international market, such as foreign direct investment pulling the import and export trade growth. Although until 1992, China and South Korea to set up a formal diplomatic relations, but bilateral economic and trade relations of history can be traced back to a long time ago. From the beginning of the last century, eighty years, South Korea will be "bypass" Hong Kong, Japan to China to stop direct investment in China and South Korea to establish a formal communication relationship in the future, South Korea's direct investment in China is growing rapidly. Along with South Korea's direct investment in China's growth, China and South Korea business has begun to grow rapidly in 2005, China and South Korea has broken through $100 billion in business. South Korea's direct investment has great impact on bilateral trade, the impact of both positive or negative influence. South Korea's direct investment in China and South Korea trade pulling and strengthening international competitiveness, and product promotion and export trade structure in order, but the South Korean direct investment in China has brought China and South Korea trade imbalance. The United States factors of economic growth between China and South Korea do look for South Korea's direct investment growth. And put forward the corresponding countermeasures, and puts forward some suggestions on how to give full play to the positive impact of Korean direct investment in China on Sino Korea trade. The comparative advantage in full and at the same time, to prevent the fall into the "comparative advantage trap"; at the same time to change after the lack of foreign policy; to optimize the investment situation, change the economic and trade cooperation strategy.


摘要   6-8   Abstract   8-9   第1章 导论   13-15       1.1 文献回顾   13       1.2 选题背景及文章内容结构   13-15   第2章 理论阐述   15-18       2.1 国际直接投资理论阐述   15       2.2 外商直接投资对贸易作用的理论   15-18   第3章 中韩双边贸易以及韩国对华直接投资的近况   18-24       3.1 中韩双边贸易的近况   18-20           3.1.1 中韩双边贸易额连年增加   18-19           3.1.2 双边贸易额中,中方贸易逆差不断增加   19           3.1.3 中韩两国贸易结合度变化情况   19-20       3.2 韩国对华直接投资的近况   20-24           3.2.1 韩国对华直接投资的总量变化   20-21           3.2.2 韩国对华直接投资的结构特征   21-23           3.2.3 韩国对华直接投资的相对地位   23-24   第4章 韩国对华直接投资对中韩贸易的作用   24-36       4.1 韩国对华直接投资对中韩贸易的积极作用   24-33           4.1.1 韩国对华直接投资拉动了中韩双边贸易的发展   24-27           4.1.2 韩国对华直接投资充分实现了中韩的贸易互补性,韩语毕业论文,有助于提升中韩产品国际竞争力   27-30           4.1.3 韩国对华直接投资能够提升中韩双边贸易的商品结构层次   30-33       4.2 韩国对华直接投资对中韩贸易的消极作用   33-36           4.2.1 韩国对华直接投资造成了中国对韩国贸易逆差不断增加   33-36   第5章 韩国对华直接投资的展望   36-38       5.1 未来中国经济进一步发展,投资环境优化,将吸引韩资进入   36-37           5.1.1 中国经济发展,宏观环境优化   36           5.1.2 中国加入 WTO,以及西部大开发等重大战略举措,为韩资来华投资提供了机遇   36-37       5.2 韩国经济的发展和韩国政府的支持为韩国对华直接投资创造了机会   37       5.3 欧美跨国企业踊跃来华投资的作用   37-38   第6章 我国应该采取的对策方法   38-42       6.1 充分发挥中韩比较优势,提升双方国际竞争力,但要避免陷入“比较优势陷阱”   38-39       6.2 要不断完善现有的外资政策   39-40       6.3 要转变中韩战略贸易合作   40       6.4 要积极有效地改善投资环境   40-42   参考文献   42-44   致谢   44-45   攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文   45-46  
