
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


Since the 20th century, 60 years, the international division of labor by the original vertical division gradually transformed into degree of division of labor, as the international division of labor said the situation of the international commercial production industry business to worldly business transformation. At the beginning of the 20th century the end of 70 years, 80 years, followed by new commercial actual proposed to scope economy and product differentiation to focus thinking possessions in practical business system gradually establish. As a challenge to the traditional match the practical advantages of a breach, the belongings commercial real for countries to start a new round of economic increase supply the new thoughts. It can free traditional practical constraints, complete the double static commercial benefits. Because belongings business is stopped in the developed countries, is a long-standing about worldly business of theoretical and empirical research on the eve of the more concentrated in the developed countries, on the growth of Chinese furniture business lacks specialized demonstration. Located in the South West Asia, China and South Korea from the economic growth level down said separation to belong to the growth of China and new industrialized countries, have very strong "geographical advantage, has extremely close exchange and cooperation of the general economic civilization. Since the 1990s, grows along with the rapid progress of our economic growth level and direct investment, the belongings of trade has become important component of trade between China and South Korea, the two countries when the growth of structural adjustment to recruit and in all areas of economic and trade cooperation has a heavy influence. China has actively carried out and South worldly business, can improve the division of belongings slowly from vertical change degree and beneficial to change China and South Korea in the core position in international division of labor can progress of export products of the scientific and technological content and added value, is beneficial to strengthen international enterprise international competitiveness and promote international industrial structure upgrade can be useful application skill spillover effect, reduce the skills gap between China and South Korea, is beneficial to our country development and technique innovation. In this paper, the two main lines of theoretical and empirical, after the perfection of belongings commercial theory system is discussed, belongings to China and South Korea in the commercial level and its influencing factors stopped empirically hone, analyzes and discusses the related conclusions send righteousness, most early in China on how business dealings with South Korea to improve their competitiveness put forward countermeasures and suggestions. China and South Korea's belongings in the commercial degree stop estimation results show the degree of business within China and South Korea in the manufacturing industry of belongings all very high, and possessions of the raw materials industry business degree in recent years rises ceaselessly. In China and South Korea, in front of his belongings business performance adjustments and upgrade. From when the two countries of China and South Korea in commercial influence factors of causal hone results can be seen, product differentiation and scope economy of two countries of China and South Korea when the business has a significantly positive impact, and effect of market structure on worldly business varies from industry to industry, rest intensive industry possessions in the commercial level is higher in the complete competition market structure, and capital intensive industries in the monopolistic competition market institutions possessions in the commercial level higher. And South Korean investment in China of the two countries of China and South Korea when the commercial part of the effect is not obvious, and Korea business in China and South Korea investment scope. To promote China's foreign trade, especially China and South Korea between business growth, it should be based on the superiority of worldly business degree, selective culture and growth oriented possessions, in compliance with the principle of economies of scope value combination and cooperation between enterprises, between industry; at the same time pay attention to the lure of the enterprise, to create and enhance enterprise of market diversity demand of familiar; for foreign investment should improve the understanding, attach importance to investment and talent, increase the investment into the offer.

