
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


2008 is the 16 anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea was always our country main trade partners and geographical adjacency between China and South Korea is to study trade between China and South Korea to China has important strategic and economic significance. Foreign business is the main force to stimulate China's GDP increase, China and South Korea to increase the overall business, exports and exports to China's economic growth has increased. Application of quantitative analysis methods to China and South Korea business of this approach to China and South Korea to quantify the right to start the business has a major practical significance. Through econometric model analysis of China and South Korea business to China's economic growth and the results from the empirical analysis of the results of China and South Korea to discuss business to promote China's economic growth is the focus of the study. Through the analysis of the process of China and Korea business scope and our country national economy to increase the economic picture, can primarily make trade between China and South Korea to China's economic increase with important contributions to the assumption of touch trade between China and South Korea's main economic goal of import and export volume, exports, exports, business net and China's GDP separation of Granger causality to hone and regression analysis in the analysis of process full consideration time series are non-stationary and the variable autoregressive results, quantitative analysis results notes trade between China and South Korea on China's economic increase has positive stimulative effect and export, export to our country economy to increase the contribution degree of the eve of the induced by a. Trade between China and South Korea via a different mechanism of action of enhance the economy of our country increased in the business process, China's total factor productivity, the family belongings competitiveness and production skills have greatly improved, the birth concept of governance is more diversified, these factors objectively comfort the increase of China's economy, is in our country should actively and South Korea open business, the better application of trade between China and South Korea engine to enhance China's economic increase.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4-5   第1章 绪论   8-19       1.1 课题探讨的背景与意义   8-11           1.1.1 课题探讨的背景   8-10           1.1.2 探讨的理论与实际意义   10-11       1.2 文献综述   11-15           1.2.1 国外相关探讨成果   11-14           1.2.2 国内理论探讨近况   14-15           1.2.3 国内外探讨近况简评   15       1.3 探讨内容及主要措施   15-19           1.3.1 探讨内容   15-17           1.3.2 探讨措施   17-19   第2章 中韩贸易与经济增长间的定量略论   19-36       2.1 探讨对象的总体发展趋势   19-25           2.1.1 中韩贸易增长趋势   19-23           2.1.2 我国GDP的增长趋势   23-25           2.1.3 趋势同向性变动   25       2.2 相关性略论   25-28           2.2.1 贸易总额与我国经济增长   25-27           2.2.2 从韩进口与我国经济增长   27           2.2.3 对韩出口与我国经济增长   27           2.2.4 贸易净值与我国经济增长   27-28       2.3 回归略论   28-34           2.3.1 贸易总额对我国经济增长的贡献度   28-31           2.3.2 进口对我国经济增长的贡献度   31-32           2.3.3 出口对我国经济增长的贡献度   32-33           2.3.4 贸易净值与我国经济增长   33-34       2.4 本章小结   34-36   第3章 中韩贸易促进我国经济增长的影响机制   36-44       3.1 中韩贸易对我国经济增长的总体贡献   36-38           3.1.1 全要素生产率提高   36-37           3.1.2 产业结构升级   37           3.1.3 比较利益升级   37-38       3.2 进口传导机制   38-40           3.2.1 技术进步   38-39           3.2.2 要素供给增加   39           3.2.3 对华直接投资   39-40           3.2.4 刺激消费   40       3.3 出口传导机制   40-43           3.3.1 刺激投资   40-41           3.3.2 自主创新能力提升   41-42           3.3.3 出口产业竞争力提升   42-43       3.4 贸易逆差略论   43       3.5 本章小结   43-44   第4章 利用中韩贸易引擎促进我国经济增长的建议   44-50       4.1 从战略高度重视中韩贸易发展   44-46           4.1.1 政府的政策鼓励   44           4.1.2 积极倡导中韩FTA的建立   44-45           4.1.3 妥善处理贸易摩擦   45-46       4.2 充分利用进口产生效应   46-47           4.2.1 加快吸收溢出技术   46           4.2.2 注重进口的产业引导   46-47       4.3 出口方面   47           4.3.1 发展比较优势产业   47           4.3.2 加快出口产业升级   47       4.4 正确看待中韩贸易逆差   47-48       4.5 本章小结   48-50   结论   50-51   参考文献   51-56   致谢   56  
