
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


The length of speech act of apology is often the main social action. One of the most important departments in the process of apology is the use of words. What, then, South Korea to stop the apology, the choice of the words in the presence of some achievements. Is to choose the most frequently used four Chinese Apology language (sorry, sorry, owe not bashful and please forgive) stop the questionnaire investigation and study. To explore strange case of Sino South Korean pure student application 4 sorry words whether there is a difference, if there is a difference, the reason is what? From the results of the survey, China and South Korea between the two groups to the 4 kinds of words are different, and the difference is obvious. The important difference between said, Chinese students can perhaps based on differences in the case of the use of different newspaper apology, and Korea students often use "sorry" to replace the other three newspaper apology. Important. This paper is divided into three divisions: the first part is the investigation and study of the process; the second part is the questionnaire results of visit, and analysis; the third sector is comment debate occurred difference reason and the teaching inspiration.


1. 引言   6   2. 相关探讨成果和探讨目的   6-7   3. 调查探讨过程   7-13       3.1 问卷调查的准备工作   7-12           3.1.1 确定探讨范围   8-9      汉语常用的道歉   8      汉语常用的道歉语在12本教材中的分布   8-9      汉语常用的道歉语在HSK词汇等级大纲里的分布   9           3.1.2 情景设计   9-11           3.1.3 选项的同一化   11-12       3.2 问卷调查过程   12-13           3.2.1 被试   12           3.2.2 问卷的内容   12           3.2.3 问卷的设计   12-13           3.2.4 问卷调查过程   13           3.2.5 问卷的量化   13   4. 结果与略论   13-22       4.1 被试的自然情况   13-15       4.2 问卷调查结果和略论   15-21           4.2.1 道歉语的得分情况的统计结果   15           4.2.2 单向方差略论结果   15-21       4.3 总结   21-22   5. 讨论   22-26       5.1 根据结果略论每一个因素对中韩两国学生应用起的影响   22-23       5.2 中韩两组被试存在的异同   23       5.3 产生异同的原因及对教学启示   23-26   附录   26-36       附录1 参考文献   26-28       附录2 调查问卷(韩文版)   28-36       附录3 调查问卷(中文版)   36  
