
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


China and South Korea across the sea, in culture, economy, politics has always insisted on the intimate contact, with a history of thousands of years of good neighborly and friendly. However, because the world is affected by the format system caused infighting between the two countries in 40 years in the partition of. Moreover, since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea in August 1992, the volume of trade between the two countries has increased, and the mutual exchanges between the two countries have also grown rapidly. The two countries entered the stage of direct business. Later, the growth of business relations between the two countries is unusually agile, far more than the increase in the volume of foreign trade between the two countries. Over the past ten years, China and South Korea trade commodity structure produced many significant changes in the proportion of commercial property, ceaseless progress. According to the above situation, we can see a close relationship between Eph into the ROK enterprises respectively. Is to, we need to know more detailed characteristics of the company law, and also the analysis of various coherent strip method, and the ROK enterprises future exchange to make double wonderful results. In this regard, we Eph into the negligence of company organization rail system, on both sides of the relationship between the continuous, stable, healthy growth, investment before should first understand, to study and analyze the details characteristics of the company law and the relevant provisions of, especially focus on the organization such. To sum up, the achievements of the organization, from a comparative perspective to analyze and research, of China company law, on the organization of the two companies evolution process and recent (2006) in the organization the relevant legal provisions, through the bilateral company method in the process of empirical analyse, understand China's company law established by the organization and its difference, thus put forward the perfect judicial system of some consideration.


中文摘要   3-4   ABSTRACT   4   前言   7-8   第一章 股份有限企业的组织机构及中韩两国企业法基本发展过程   8-22       1.1 现代公司治理结构的重要性以及组织机构的构成   8-14           1.1.1 治理结构的重要性   8-9           1.1.2 世界各国的组织机构类型   9-10           1.1.3 组织机构的构成   10-14       1.2 中韩两国企业法的基本发展过程   14-22           1.2.1 中国企业法基本发展过程   14-16           1.2.2 韩国企业法基本发展过程   16-18           1.2.3 2006 年股份有限企业治理结构的修改草案   18-20           1.2.4 2006 年董事义务和责任修改草案的简介   20-21           1.2.5 2006 年减轻董事责任及股东大会经营的IT   21-22   第二章 两国股东大会制度   22-26       2.1 两国股东大会制度的比较探讨   22-25       2.2 两国股东大会之间区别   25-26   第三章 董事会的性质及两国的董事会制度   26-33       3.1 董事会制度的性质   26-27       3.2 经理   27-28       3.3 中韩两国董事会制度的比较探讨   28-31       3.4 两国董事会之间区别   31-33   第四章 两国股份有限企业的监督机构   33-39       4.1 监事与监事会   33-37           4.1.1 中韩两国之间监事会比较探讨   34-36           4.1.2 两国监事制度区别   36-37       4.2 外部监查人以及临时机关   37-39           4.2.1 外部监查人   37           4.2.2 检查人   37-38           4.2.3 小结语   38-39   第五章 完善两国股份有限企业组织机构的意见和建议   39-42       5.1 对股东大会制度的意见和建议   39-40           5.1.1 对于韩国法院有权召开临时股东大会   39           5.1.2 股东大会表决权上两国的优点与缺点的互相补充   39-40       5.2 对董事会制度的意见和建议   40           5.2.1 对于中国企业法的职工代表规定   40           5.2.2 对于连任董事制度的利与弊   40       5.3 两国监事会制度的意见和建议   40-42           5.3.1 对于韩国社外理事制度的有用性   40-41           5.3.2 对于中国企业法的监事制度   41           5.3.3 对于中国经理制度与韩国外部检查人制度   41-42   参考文献   42-43   致谢   43  
