最近几年来,中韩商业成长优越,韩语论文网站,特殊是山东省,与韩国商业来往加倍频仍,同时集装箱甩挂运输是一种集经济效益、时光效益、情况效益于一体的新型、高效运输形式,所以,对其需求日趋增长。但是各口岸(青岛港、威海港、龙眼港、石岛港、烟台港等)存在成长成绩,如,手续庞杂、本钱较高、货源缺乏,所以,办事于中韩集装箱甩挂物流中间扶植就很有需要。物流中间建成后,货色在此停止个人报关报检,然后甩挂车直接载货驶入口岸客滚船,中央不消逗留。这就意味着在物流中间建成以后,对中韩集装箱甩挂停止集约化治理,如许既能下降物流本钱,削减物流时光,还能进步物流效力,增长各口岸货源,增进中韩商业成长。而物流中间扶植起首要处理的成绩就是选址,这是本文要研究的内容,也是本文的立异的地方,韩语论文网站,由于浩瀚学者重要是从集装箱甩挂运输的意义长进行年夜量研究,对于其物流中间选址研究较少。今朝,展开中韩集装箱甩挂的口岸重要在山东省,所以,在山东省停止物流中间选址。本论文在绪论部门提出了研究配景、研究目标和意义,然后在国际外文献综述和相干根本实际的基本上,开端了本文的研究。本文起首剖析现状和缘由。经由过程对于山东省展开中韩集装箱甩挂现状、表里部动因停止剖析,懂得其在山东省今朝成长的情形及缘由。其次,停止货种选择。经由过程运用家当经济学的区位商法对山东省家当停止定位,明白山东省优势家当及欠蓬勃家当,同时基于公道运距法选出合适甩挂的物种,继而联合家当和运距实际选出合适山东省停止集装箱甩挂的货种。再次,对于集装箱甩挂货运量停止猜测。在整顿青岛港、威海港、龙眼港、石岛港、烟台港最近几年来集装箱吞吐量的基本上,联合山东省与韩国的商业状态,预算出各重要口岸与韩国的集装箱商业量,然后,运用时光序列法猜测2012-2020年各口岸与韩国商业的集装箱量。最初,肯定物流中间选址的计划。本文是运用重心法和隐约综合评价法停止物流中间选址的。运用重心法肯定物流中间的初始计划——选在山东省烟台海阳市,同时从海阳市找出四个备选计划。继而运用隐约综合评价法从四个备选计划中肯定物流中间的最优计划——山东省烟台海阳市辛安镇。在文章的最初总结了全文,并指清楚明了进一步须要停止的研究任务。 Abstract: In recent years, trade between China and South Korea grow is superior, especially in Shandong Province, and South Korea business dealings and double frequency still, while the container trailer transport is a set of economic benefits, time efficiency and benefit in one of the new and efficient form of transportation, so the demand increasingly growth. But the port (port of Qingdao, Weihai port, longan Hong, Shidao Port, Yantai port) existing in the growth performance, such as complex procedures, the cost is higher, the lack of supply, so work in China South Korea container trailer logistics center construction is required. After the completion of the logistics center, the goods in this stop individual customs clearance, and then dump trailer direct cargo entering the port guest roll a boat, the central fire stay. This means that in the middle of the logistics after the completion, on Chinese and Korean container left hanging stop intensive management, such as the promise not only to decrease logistics cost and reducing the logistics and time, but also improve the logistics effect, the port supply growth, promote development of trade between China and South Korea. And logistics center construction from the primary processing of the results is that the site, which is to study this content, but also the innovation of the place, due to the vastness of the scholars is important from the container left hanging transport through a large number of research, less research on the logistics center location. At present, China and South Korea launched the port container trailer in Shandong Province, therefore, in Shandong province to stop logistics center location. This paper presents research background, research goal and significance in the preface, and then in the international literature review and related basic practical basically, the beginning of this research. This paper first analysis the current situation and reasons. Through the process of Shandong province of China and South Korea launched container trailer status, the internal and external causes of analysis, to understand the current situation of the development in Shandong province and the reasons. Secondly, stop cargo selection. Through application process belongings economics of location quotient of Shandong Province belongings stop positioning, understand advantages in Shandong Province belongings and less vigorous belongings, also is based on reasonable distance method to select suitable left hanging species, then joint possessions and distance actual selected suitable Shandong Province stop container left hanging goods for. Again, a container traffic stop speculation behind bear fruit. In the rectification of Qingdao port, Weihai port, longan Hong, Shidao Port, Yantai port in recent years, the container throughput of basically, combined with South Korea and Shandong Province business, budgets, an important port and South Korea's container trade volume. Then, using time series method speculation 2012-2020 ports and Korean commercial container quantity. First, the location of logistics center plan. This is the center of gravity method and a comprehensive evaluation method of logistics center location of the stop. The application of gravity method in the middle of the initial plan of logistics must be selected in Shandong, Yantai Province, Haiyang City, and find four alternative plans from Haiyang city. Followed by vague comprehensive evaluation method from the four alternative plan affirms the logistics in the middle of the optimal plan, Shandong Province Haiyang City, Yantai Xin An Zhen. In this paper first summarizes the full text, and a clear need to stop further research work. 目录: |