外乡化创作早已被业内子士所熟习并推重。在列国,修建师都深入认识到惟有修建外乡化,才是最久长的成长之道。现代的外乡化成长起首要容身于现状,联合本地的地舆前提和文明文脉睁开,在尊敬天然和情况的条件下,进一步活化地区,并最年夜能够的存眷人的情绪。本文第二章阐述了中韩两国传统修建外乡化成长过程。韩国传统修建在成长的进程中,韩语论文网站,因为天然情况和风气习气的作用等等,构成了朴实,浓艳的修建表达,和与天然协调共生的欲望。中国版图广阔,各地域构成了独有的传统修建作风,特点光鲜,有极强的地区性。第三章经由过程一些详细手段的运用,韩语论文范文,略论了两国现代修建外乡化的详细表达形式。对传统符号的归纳综合再运用,对传统空间意境的古代表达,对新材质,新技巧的运用和对传统文明的深层发掘等等。第四章阐述了中韩两国修建外乡化创作思惟的摸索进程及代表人物,以时光的纵向轴线划分,每一个阶段有着分歧的创作思惟及代表修建师。同为西南亚地域的韩国,修建作风自古就与中国有着很深的渊源。现在,韩国现代外乡化修建也有着本身的创风格格。本文经由过程中韩两国现代修建的外乡化创作比拟,可以清楚的看到各自的特色和成长过程,同时也能够互相自创,配合进步。 Abstract: Local creation has long been the industry insiders familiar and respected. Among the nations, architects are only in-depth understanding of the construction and the localization is the long road of growth. Modern indigenous growth first shelter at the current situation, combined with local geographical condition and the civilized context open, under the conditions of respect for natural and the further activation area, attention to people's emotions and are capable of the greatest. The second chapter elaborates the traditional construction of China and South Korea local growth process. Traditional Korean built in the process of growth because of the natural environment and habit, etc., constitute a simple, expression of the construction of the rich and gaudy, and symbiosis and harmony in nature desire. Chinese vast territory, each region constitutes a unique traditional architectural style, features bright, they have very strong. The third chapter through the application of some detailed methods, analysis of the two countries to build modern localization with expression. On the traditional symbol of the comprehensive re application, the traditional space of the ancient expression of artistic conception, the new material, the application of new techniques and the deep excavation of traditional culture, etc.. The fourth chapter describes the China and South Korea building indigenous creation thinking exploration process and representative, in time to the longitudinal axis of the division. Each stage has a different creative thinking of and on behalf of the architects. South Korea and South Asia, the construction of the style of the ancient times and China has a very deep origin. Now, the Korean modern construction localization also has its own creation style. The process of Sino Korean modern building indigenous creation via compared to can clearly see their own characteristics and growth process, but also to each other internally generated, with the progress. 目录: 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6 目录 7-10 第1章 绪论 10-16 1.1 课题探讨的背景 10-12 1.1.1 我国当代建筑本土化进程 10 1.1.2 建筑本土化创作面临的问题 10-11 1.1.3 国内外本土化的创作实践 11-12 1.2 基本概念 12 1.2.1 本土化及当代建筑本土化 12 1.2.2 当代建筑的限定 12 1.3 课题探讨的目的和内容 12-13 1.4 探讨的措施和技术路线 13 1.5 探讨近况及探讨意义 13-16 1.5.1 国内外在该方向的探讨近况 13-14 1.5.2 课题探讨的意义 14-16 第2章 中韩传统建筑本土化发展综述 16-30 2.1 韩国传统建筑本土化发展之路 16-23 2.1.1 韩国传统建筑解读 16-19 2.1.2 韩国传统建筑本土化体现 19-23 2.2 中国传统建筑本土化发展之路 23-29 2.2.1 中国传统建筑解读 23-26 2.2.2 中国传统建筑本土化体现 26-29 2.3 本章小结 29-30 第3章 中韩当代建筑本土化创作历程 30-58 3.1 韩国当代建筑本土化创作思想的探究历程 30-48 3.1.1 对传统的最初探究阶段 30-34 3.1.2 对传统的继承,发展阶段 34-39 3.1.3 多元化的发展阶段 39-48 3.2 中国当代建筑本土化创作思想的探究历程 48-55 3.2.1 民族形式的追求(20 世纪 50 年代—20 世纪 70 年代) 48-50 3.2.2 本土化风格的探究(20 世纪 80 年代—20 世纪 90 年代) 50-51 3.2.3 新地域主义建筑的探究(21 世纪—至今) 51-55 3.3 本章小结 55-58 第4章 中韩当代建筑本土化表达模式浅析 58-74 4.1 传统样式的传承 58-60 4.1.1 传统符号的直接应用 58-59 4.1.2 对传统符号加以提炼,概括 59-60 4.2 传统文化的传承 60-66 4.2.1 当代建筑在空间上传统意向的体现 61-64 4.2.2 当代建筑在场所意境上传统意向的体现 64-65 4.2.3 当代建筑在文化方面传统意向的体现 65-66 4.3 新材质,新技术对建筑本土化的现代表达 66-70 4.3.1 材料本体特性的表达 66-69 4.3.2 材料与外部因素 69-70 4.4 注重情感诉求 70-72 4.4.1 视觉感受 70-71 4.4.2 心灵感受 71-72 4.5 本章小结 72-74 结语 74-76 参考文献 76-78 攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文 78-79 致谢 79 |