
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05
跟着中国社会经济的成长,保险业在公民经济中施展着愈来愈主要的感化。2006 年是中国保险业实施对外开放的第二年,外资保险企业在中国疾速成长,势头看好。同为亚洲国度,资本的互补,人员和技巧的交换与协作,使韩国保险公司进入中国市场年夜势所趋。地利,天时,人和正在加快推进韩国保险公司进军中国市场的方法。在中韩建交 15 年多来,中韩两国在保险范畴里有了更进一步的协作与成长,韩国对中国直接投资的范围在逐步上升。据悉,外资保险在中国国际的市场份额慢慢扩展,截至 2005 年 12 月,保费支出到达 341。2 亿元,占总保费支出的 6。92%。中国保险市场正以每一年 20%的速度高速成长,假如以保险费用为统计尺度,估计到 2007 年,中国将成为全球第7 年夜市场,跨越韩国。跟着中国保险业进入周全对外开放时代,韩国保险业进军中国市场是必定趋向。韩国三星性命保险株式企业和三星火警海上保险株式企业已开端在中国成长其保险营业,而其它 5 家年夜型保险公司也有谋划,他们看好中国保险市场的伟大潜力,愿望尽早可以或许在中国保险市场上营业。本文共分三个部门,对中韩保险业竞争力和韩国公司在华成长对策停止研究。第一部门重要研究剖析中韩两国保险业的竞争力,从两国保险业的实际竞争力、潜伏竞争力、内部情况竞争力停止比拟,发明各自立要优势和优势之地点。第二部门以三星团体的保险企业在中国停顿为案例,经由过程 SWOT 剖析可以看出,韩国保险公司在中国将来成长的途径上既存在机会,也具有挑衅。介于此,作者在文章第三部门对韩国保险公司提出几点建议起首,必需打破中国老保险企业、外资保险企业原有产物的客户群,赓续寻求产物和办事的立异及差别化。其次,尽快完成外乡化,融入各个地域市场,扩大营业运营地域。再者,进步韩国外资保险企业焦点分销渠道的效力,即扩展多渠道分销收集。最初,当今保险市场人才网job。vhao。net竞争日益白热化,韩语论文,要增强人才网job。vhao。net的造就和部队的扶植。


With the growth of China's social and economic development, the insurance industry in the civil economy is playing a more and more important role. 2006 is the second year of China's insurance industry to implement the opening up, foreign insurance companies in China's rapid growth, the momentum of good. With the Asian countries, the capital of complementary, personnel and skills of exchange and cooperation, so that South Korean insurance companies to enter the Chinese market, the trend of the eve of the trend. Austria, day, and South Korea is accelerating the insurance companies to enter the market China measures. China and South Korea established diplomatic relations more than 15 years ago, China and South Korea in the insurance category has a further collaboration and growth, the scope of China's direct investment in South Korea is gradually rising. It is reported that foreign insurance in China's international market share gradually expanded, as of December 2005, the premium spending reached 341. 200 million yuan, accounting for 6 of the total premium expenses. 92%. China's insurance market is growing at a rate of 20% per year, if the insurance costs as a statistical measure, it is estimated that by 2007, China will become the seventh largest market in the world, across South korea. With China's insurance industry to enter the era of comprehensive opening to the outside world, the South Korean insurance industry to enter the Chinese market is inevitable trend. South Korea SamSung life insurance type strains of the company and Samsung fire marine insurance type strains of the company has begun in China growth of its insurance business, and other five big insurance companies also plan, they are optimistic about the great potential of China's insurance market and wish as soon as possible can perhaps in China's Insurance Market business. This article is divided into three departments, the competitiveness of China and South Korea insurance industry and the growth of Korean companies in China to stop the discussion. The first part research analysis of the competitiveness of insurance industry between China and South Korea, from their insurance industry real competitiveness, potential competitiveness, internal competitiveness compare independent invention to the strengths and advantages of the location. Second departments to Samsung Group's Insurance Companies in China for the case, through the process of SWOT analysis can be seen that the Korean insurance companies in China in the future growth of the way there are opportunities, but also has a provocation. Ranged from this, the author in the third Department of Korean insurance company proposed several suggestions first and foremost, we must break the old Chinese insurance companies, foreign-funded insurance company original product customer group, continuously seek products and services innovation and differentiation. Secondly, to achieve localization as soon as possible, into the various regional markets and expand the business area. Moreover, the development of the Korean foreign insurance company focus on the effectiveness of distribution channels, that is, the expansion of multi-channel distribution network. At first, today's insurance market talent network job. Vhao. Net competition is increasingly intense, to enhance the talent network job. Vhao. The fostering of net and the construction of troops.

