
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05
翻译是人类最艰难的脑力运动之一。从事过翻译任务的人都晓得,翻译是一个异常艰苦的任务。正如鲁迅师长教师所说的,“翻译是一个再创作的进程”,翻译弗成能将原作百分之百地再现。但是,韩语毕业论文,在翻译中其实不是没有纪律可循,本文就中国片子中韩翻译成绩谈初浅设法主意。现实上,即便对两种说话控制得都很体系、很精晓,在翻译进程中依然会碰到许多艰苦。是以,译者准备两种说话的常识和语感只是做好翻译的需要前提,而不是充足前提。最近,本国影象著作纷纭活着界列国放映。我们仿佛很难再找到像片子如许和通俗大众亲密接洽的艺术情势。片子院里抢先恐后上映本国年夜片,我们经由过程电视、VCD、DVD等也能敏捷观赏这些本国优良片子著作。最近几年来,我国的片子制造技巧成长很快,有年夜量片子出口到国外,显示了我国片子家当的成长程度。在古代社会中,年夜众媒体,特殊是片子在懂得本国文明等方面起到了积极的感化。本国人接触中国文明艺术最直接的序言就是片子,是以,我们不克不及疏忽片子在这方面的作用。这些出口影片都要经由过程翻译任务向别传播,是以译者的感化异常主要。影象著作在表示手段上,重要由人物、影象和台词组成。是以,毛病的台词翻译会转变剧中人物抽象,对影象的说明和影片的价值也会随之受损,乃至对中国文明的准确懂得带来妨碍。是以,我们不克不及把翻译简略算作是仅靠小我经历和才能就可以做好的任务。 在此种意义上,中国片子翻译作为中韩翻译的一个范畴,我们应当加倍存眷,并应当对其停止实际上的摸索和研究。 本文以中韩翻译为主线,将对在片子翻译中所触及的成绩,即两种说话之间的词场处置、句子构造和语境等相干成绩停止研究和因为字数受限而带来的缩译成绩停止剖析。本文拟将重点考核中韩翻译中碰到的缩译成绩,说明其主要性,并提出处理办法。 片子台词的处置措施有字幕和配音两种。本文重要对字幕的翻译停止粗略地考核,由于,字幕可以或许保留片子的完全性,同时又能展示片子的影象和原音后果。 然则,在字幕翻译处置进程中会遭到时光、空间和不雅众的接收才能等多方面身分的限制。是以,译者在翻译进程中会碰到忠诚原作翻译的同时,又不能不对某些部门停止缩译的成绩。 总而言之,在翻译时,对于一些即便删除也不会对全部片子的懂得带来作用的信息要武断删除,并有需要停止一些修改或再创作。 本文基于此种不雅点,引见并剖析中国片子翻译成韩国语时的一些典范的例子,并对一些拙文和错译停止详细剖析和解释。 本文材料选本身经在韩国上映的中国影片材料。在论述进程中,比较剖析办法一直贯串于全文。 第一章为“绪论”,重要议论此论文的研究目标和意义和研究办法,并在总结先行研究结果的基本上提出新的看法。 第二章“片子翻译的普通特点及情势”,论述了片子翻译的概念


Translation is one of the most difficult human mental movement. Engaged in the translation task the people know, translation is a very hard task. As Mr. Lu Xun said, "translation is a process of re creation, translation cannot reproduce the original one hundred percent. However, in the process of translation is not without discipline to follow, the China film translation performance on Korea preliminary idea. In fact, even for two words are control system, a master, in the process of translation will still encounter many difficult. Is the preparation knowledge and language translators, two speak only to need the premise of translation, but not a sufficient condition. Recently, their works have shown the world image. We seem difficult to find such as movies and popular art form close contact. Cinema rushed release their films, we through TV, VCD, DVD, etc. can also agile view the national excellent movie works. In recent years, China film manufacturing skills grow quickly, Nianye film exported to foreign countries, shows the development level of China's film belongings. In ancient society, the media, the film is in its special civilization has played a positive role. Their contact with the art China civilization preface is the most direct film, is to influence, we cannot ignore the film in this area. These films are to export the translation task to don't spread through the process, is based on the translator's role is mainly abnormal. In the video representation, important characters, images and lines composed by. Is, wrong translation will change the character of the image and abstract, illustrate the value of the film will be damaged, and even the China civilization hinders accurate understand. So we cannot translate briefly as only ego experience and ability to complete the task. In this sense, a category of China film translation as Chinese Korean translation, we should pay more attention, and should stop actually exploration and study for its. This paper to the Chinese and Korean translation as the main line, to touch in the translation of film scores, namely the words between two languages disposal, sentence structure and context coherent results in study and because of limited words caused by shrinkage performance analysis. This paper will focus on the assessment of the performance of condensed translation met Chinese Korean translation, its main characteristics, and puts forward the treatment measures. There are two kinds of disposal methods of subtitling and dubbing the film. This paper on the subtitles translation roughly assessment due, subtitles can be may retain the film. At the same time, it can show the film image and soundtrack consequences. However, in the process of subtitle translation disposal may suffer from time and space and the audience to receive many aspects such as the restriction of the element. Is to meet the original translation, the translator loyalty in the translation process at the same time, they can not stop some condensed translation results. In a word, in translation, some even do not delete all the film information to know the impact of arbitrary deletion, and the need to stop or re creation of some modifications. The based on such indecent point, introduce and analyze Chinese film translation into the Korean language of some typical examples, and detailed analysis and explanation of some clumsy and mistranslation. This material anthology released in Korea through the Chinese film material. In this process, comparative analysis method has been used in the paper. The first chapter is "Introduction", an important discussion this thesis research objectives and significance and research methods, and summarize the research results in advance basically put forward new views. The second chapter "film translation characteristics and general situation, discusses the concept of film translation

