청주시 간판어 오류 실태 분석을 통한 국어 순화 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-26

During this study, the researcher has found errors of signboard language, mainly in Cheung-ju, and investigated the signboards spelled wrong, which are not accordance with the language orthography. Also, errors in spells were analyzed in accordance wi...

During this study, the researcher has found errors of signboard language, mainly in Cheung-ju, and investigated the signboards spelled wrong, which are not accordance with the language orthography. Also, errors in spells were analyzed in accordance with the rule, and were corrected. This study aims to seek and discuss a measure to purify the Korean language on the basis of the result of these analysis.
For this reason, errors of signboards will be classified into four standards as follows : ‘over use of loanword’, ‘use of in-word and slang’, ‘vestige of Japanese language’, and ‘declaration error.’ With regard to ‘declaration error’, four rules - 「the rules of spelling of Hangeul」, 「the provision of the standard language」, 「standard of borrowed words」, and 「the Romanization standard of Korean words」 - are applied to analyze it.
On the basis of the analysis to errors of signboards and declaration error, three major contentions will be discussed as follows; first, we need to realize the superiority of Hanguel and settle our identity. Second, we need to conduct a campaign to purify the Korean language, adding curriculum on Hangeul and the language orthography to schools’ language education. Third, we need to set up a national system to help purifying the Korean language.
