시보광고 언어의 오용에 관한 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-26

Consumers of the modern society gain much information through advertisements, and its effects on our life are huge enough. As advertisements are widely and rapidly spreading through media, especially TV, the words aired on TV also have big influence i...

Consumers of the modern society gain much information through advertisements, and its effects on our life are huge enough. As advertisements are widely and rapidly spreading through media, especially TV, the words aired on TV also have big influence in our language life. Particularly, when advertisement languages have bad influence on our language life, this can never be ignored. Therefore, this study formalizes as finding misapplication cases, which may have negative effects on language lives of the public, through the time-signal advertisement that is one kind of TV advertisement, and proposes its improvements.
This study composes in total of 5 chapters; Chapter Ⅰ as the introduction, main issues are in Chapter Ⅱ, Ⅲ, and Ⅳ, and finally, Chapter Ⅴ is the conclusion. The main issues of this study are as follows.
In Chapter Ⅱ, it overlooks on general features of advertisement and advertisement language, then studied on the features and structure of the time-signal advertisement.
Chapter Ⅲ collected advertisement copy of selected time-signal advertisement that is selected as the research material of this study, and analyzed use aspect in lexicon․sentence aspects.
Chapter Ⅳ is the key point of this study, which handles frequent linguistic misapplication within advertisements. This examined incorrect application of loanword and foreign language, neologism, slang․vulgarism, and vocabulary in lexical aspect, plus, in the aspect of sentence, it examined wrong expressions to honorifics, translationese sentences, extreme omissions of sentence components, misapplication of proposition and ending, and ungrammatical sentence respectively. Moreover, this study has sought for the improvements rather than not only proposing the cases of misapplication. The proposed improvements are as follows.
First of all, with the point that unnecessary uses of loanword are exceeding in the time-signal advertisement, it is required to have inspection on effectiveness of loanword, and systematic research on status that loanword are taking in advertisements.
Second, through continuous advertisement language researches of Korean linguists, the general guideline of advertisement language use should be established and provided to advertisement producers.
Third, advertisement languages that are actually used in advertisements are changing everyday, however, literary regulations and restrictions on advertisement language are unable to follow this up. Therefore, the revision on this is desperately required.
Fourth, the advertisement language evaluation organization with professionals with condensed Korea linguistic knowledge should be formed based on occurrences of misapplied cases although the time-signal advertisement has been aired through deliberation procedure.
Fifth, most of all, the consciousness change of advertisement principals, who produces advertisements, is devoutly necessary by considering social․economical effectiveness of them on our society.
This study could not formalize entire misapplication cases of the time advertisement languages as it only targeted total of 194 cases of the time-signal advertisements. But, this study has the significance in mainly dealing with spoken languages compare to the previous advertisement language studies, which have concentrated on written language based on print media.
