상경계열 외국인 학생을 위한 외래어 계통 전문어휘 교육 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

Influx of foreign students is increasing steadily. This study is for the foreign students, they may have trouble in studying major in Korean university. This study is the one of Academic Purpose Korean Language Education. This study is divided into th...

Influx of foreign students is increasing steadily. This study is for the foreign students, they may have trouble in studying major in Korean university. This study is the one of Academic Purpose Korean Language Education. This study is divided into three parts. First part is theoretical background regarding Academic Purpose Korean Language Education and pre-investigation that support the necessity of this study. I selected a loan words glossary list for a department of commerce and administration education in the following second parts. Finally, I presented a plan that educational a vocabulary at actual Korean language educational field to the glossary list that I composed in this way.
I would present it about former loan words notation education for studying a vocabulary through knowledges regarding structure of a word in vocabulary educational contents. Therefore, I presented an example that is the parts which student's a lot of errors in loan words notation. I presented a simple model to teach a vocabulary utilizing a word formation way of loan words notation and loan words technical term in practical of vocabulary education
This study that is part of Academic Purpose Korean Language Education would look up specialization of vocabulary education regarding demand of student. I used realistic data for vocabulary education special this, and I composed an useful department of commerce and administration loan words basic vocabulary list at Korean language educational field. And I presented effective vocabulary educational method, but on the other hand, there is the following limit. Miss of a major book vocabulary selection was limited. More abilities like basic knowledge related to major vocabularies are required to Korean language teachers for too this vocabulary education. However if this study is continuously progressed, It may be helpful as realistic data to the students in order to make entrance into a school to a Korean college in the future.
