방송 언어의 오용 사례 및 개선 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

These days, our broadcasting often gives a wrong view of language to many viewers by using unrefined broadcasting terms. As unrefined terms spread to our society through broadcasting media, they can have a bad influence on people’s language use as w...

These days, our broadcasting often gives a wrong view of language to many viewers by using unrefined broadcasting terms. As unrefined terms spread to our society through broadcasting media, they can have a bad influence on people’s language use as well as national emotion. Considering such a problem, this research aims at analyzing a state of misuses of broadcasting terms and seeking improvement plans.

First, examples of vowel confusions includes ‘baram’ being mispronounced as ‘baraem’ and ‘meogida’ being ‘megida’. Glottalization is a representative example, which is presented with an intension to give a strong impression due to the confusion of consonants.
Second, there is a problem concerning the abuse of foreign words in terms of vocabulary, which appears from a bias that foreign words are more sophisticated than Hangeul. In addition, there are many abuses of expletives and slangs.
Third, in terms of sentence, there are many sentences that are translated word-for-word and sentences of which word orders are wrong.
Fourth, in terms of grammar, Korean postpositions and endings are often misused, and the expressions of tenses and elevation are not correct.
Fifth, there are also many problems with broadcasting subtitles. It is a big problem that not the standard language but expletives and slangs are used for broadcasting subtitles.

The followings are improvement plans to reduce the misuse of broadcasting terms.
First, the misuse of broadcasting terms should be prevented by strengthening broadcasting provisions of TV stations.
Second, TV program hosts are selected according to their speech ability. Moreover, all hosts should be educated about speech.
Third, research institutes of each TV stations should be integrated to be an expanded permanent language consultative body.
Fourth, education of language norm should be strengthened in school. The best way to improve Korean ability in the whole society is learning through school education.

Considering that broadcasting terms unconsciously influence people as a language textbook, TV stations should have a responsibility on the use of correct language. When TV stations and the public make the effort toward the settlement of correct broadcasting terms, the use of broadcasting terms will be positively improved.
