개화기 국어표기법 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This dissertation is to investigate the aspect and characteristic of writing system of the Civilization Period in Korean History. The period is established as the time from the invasion of Korea by the French fleet(1866) to the Japanese annexation of ...

This dissertation is to investigate the aspect and characteristic of writing system of the Civilization Period in Korean History. The period is established as the time from the invasion of Korea by the French fleet(1866) to the Japanese annexation of Korea(1910). This study is divide into four categories of writing system : the use of Korean characters, loan word, Romanization, and writing system of government.
The consequences are summarized in the following.
1. The period coexist in Chinese characters, mixed Korean and Chinese characters, Korean characters. The conservatives who were against civilization were in favor of Chinese characters, the civilized moderatists influenced by Japan is for the mixed use of Korean and Chinese characters, and the progressive civilized people influenced by America is for the use of Korean characters. At the former half period(1866-1894), the mixed of Korean and Chinese characters coexist with Korean characters. But, the Korean characters appear on the stage as the representative writing system in the latter half period(1894-1910) because of the civilized people's gaining power. As Korean characters is used as a means of civilizing people and missionary work, the discussion is opened and gradually the study of Korean characters begins.
2. The grapheme system is in the Civilization period ad follows :
phonemic grapheme ㅂ ㄷ ㄱ ㅈ ㅅ ㅎ
ㅍ ㅌ ㅋ ㅊ
ㅁ ㄴ

morphic grapheme ㅇ
clusters ㅅㄱ(allographeme ㄱㄱ) ㅅㄷ(ㄸ) ㅅㅂ(ㅃ) ㅅㅈ(ㅉ) ㅅㅅ(ㅄ)
simple vowel ㅏ(allographeme .) ㅓ ㅗ ㅜ ㅡ ㅣ
dipthong ㅑ ㅕ ㅛ ㅠ
simplified diphthong ㅐ(allographeme .ㅣ) ㅚ ㅔ
rising diphthong ㅘ ㅝ ㅟ ㅞ ㅠㅣ ㅒ ㅖ ㅙ
falling diphthong ㅢ
cardinal ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ(allographeme ㄷ) / ㅈ ㅊ ㅌ(progressive writing)
clusters ㄺ ㄼ ㄽ / ㄲ ㅀ (progressive writing)
3. The Korean writing system is as follows:
① The writing of word is mixed by three writing systems like modern Korean : the conjugated, the separate, and the combination of nominal stems and declensional suffixes. But with the advent of morphemic transcription caused by morphemic analysis of the Westerner, You, Gil Jun(兪古遵) and Ju, Shi Gyoung(周時經) insist the separate writing of nominal and declensional suffixes of word writing. Especially, Ju, Shi Gyong(周時經) assert the syllable-final's enlargement in graphemic system for the very reason that the separate writing. But the separate writing becomes possible in the use of Korean characters. As a consequence, the separate writing as the mainstream in the Civilization period come to the front for ideal but is not utilized.
② The rhyme transcription supported by Ji, Seok Young(池錫永)(1896) as tonal mark in Huminjongum(訓民正音) substitute for pitch and rhythm is not practiced none the less for his restorative effort. Only this is written in his books.
③ The transcription of juncture which have origin in Ri, Bong Un's the truth of Korean(『국문졍리』) is written in textbook of the Ministry of education and Korean Grammar(『國語文法』) of Ju, Shi Gyong(周時經). Mainly, a dot mark representative of the transcription of juncture is used as a phrase-clausal unit in the mixed Korean and Chinese characters and 어절단위 in the Korean characters. But the dot mark is not activated according to the advent of spacing words. The spacing words begins for the first time in transliterating Korean into English and come into existence n the Westener's books written in Korean. As a consequence, the spacing words make appearance in Park, Young Hyo's(朴永孝) Hwasagilyak(和使基略) and a weekly magazine of Hansung(潢城週報) at the former half period in Civilization (1866-1894). But a full-scale use of spacing words is not used until a of Tongnip founded in 1897. After that time, the spacing words gradually make appearance in many s and textbooks as a spacing unit and phrase-clause in Korean characters.
4. The loan words in the Civilization Period is introduced into Korea together with civilization of the Occident. The borrowed word from China and Japan which transliterated the Occident language into a Chinese character. Also, the loan words which are transliterated from the Occident language into a Chinese characters and Korean. Hence, the four kinds of borrowed word at the same time coexist. But The Report of the Western World(『西遊見聞)) of You, Gil Jun(兪吉濬) is written the exciting borrowed word and a foreign language is written together with written in the loan words Chinese characters and Korean characters. The textbook in the Ministry Education is written together with the existing borrowed word and the loan words written in Korean. And the loan words written in Korean use the Korean characters in The Report of the Western World(『西遊見聞)) according to Korean graphemic system, but in an the Ministry Education and a book for children(『兒學編)) use a sign for transcribing thoroughly the original sound of a character, in a of Tongnip use an eclectic transcription for a long sound.
5. The Romanization in the period is in the following :
First, the foreigners write the initial according to transcription And the simple established as the one to one correspondence from the standpoint of transcription, the diphthong have a tendency to transliteration in the vowel.
Second, the native pursue foreigner's system in the initial. But the medial included simple and diphthong is in pursuit of transcription. On the whole, the native is conscious of one's own phonetic shape.
6. The orthography published by government is not in existence in the former half period of Civilization. But Ji, seok Young(池錫泳) appealed the newly reformed Korean language(新訂國文) in 1905. The contents of it is that the transcription of pitch, the limitation of finals to eight consonant letters, the compound writing of different letters of the glottalized, more than anything else, the abolishment of < . > and the use of < = > between < . >and< ㅡ >. But because that the government adopted as a orthography of the individualistic writing system of Ji, Seok Young(池錫泳)raises a problem, the government the research center of the Korean language(國文硏究所) submitted the proposal to the government in 1909. The proposal is that the reinforced (or glottalized) sound is used as a compound writing of the same letters < ㄲ ㄸ ㅃ ㅆ ㅉ > in initial, substitutes < . > for < = > the newly reformed Korean language(新頂國文)in medial, repeat the syllable-initial < ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ > in syllable-final(終聲復用初聲), and dot the long sound in the right as a tonal mark. This proposal is an eclectic writing system between conservative and progressive writing system. But the proposal is not published and is hoarded up because of the Japanese annexation of Korea(1910).
In conclusion, the writing system in the civilization period is characteristic of an eclectic system according to a transitional period from the ancient to modern society. As a result, the two systems are extant. The progressive theory of the writing system is a basis of the Spelling of Korean (諺文 輟字法) for the elementary school of the Japanese Government-General of Korea(朝鮮總督府) in 1912. The writing system have one's place in the spelling of Korean(諺문철자법) in 1930. And it is in 1933 that the Korean Language Society (조선어학회) established modern Korean orthography upon its publication of Guide for the Unification of Korean Spelling (한글 맞춤법 통일안). Therefore, the writing system is a basic theory of the current Orthography of Korean. At this point, the writing system of Civilization is valued remarkably in history
