국어 의미 중복 표현 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

Communicating by the means of language, first of all, we can think that people talk about their own thinking or feeling, or give and take the information about something. A process of communication happens complicatedly in speakers, listeners, communi...

Communicating by the means of language, first of all, we can think that people talk about their own thinking or feeling, or give and take the information about something. A process of communication happens complicatedly in speakers, listeners, communicative messages and the situation of communicating messages. Sometimes, speaker can covey much more information than they needs for the communication. That happening, the sign can be the expressing of redundant meaning. Reducing the redundant expression in communication system, we will also lessen the effort for conveyance but the reliability can be decreased.
This study shows the concept, the principle of the constitution and the reason and the function of the expression of redundant meaning. The expression of redundant meaning is using repeatedly other linguistic form with the same meaning of the linguistic form in a compound word, phrase, a clause and a sentence.
The expression of redundant meaning can be classified into the structure by patterns of redundant words and syntactic structure by redundant constituents. The structure by patterns of redundant words is divided into the repetition of native tongues, words written in Chinese characters, a word written in Chinese characters and a native tongue, and a loan word. The redundant of a native tongue and a word written in Chinese characters can be classified into the pattern of a word written in Chinese characters / a native tongue and the pattern of a native tongue / a word written in Chinese characters. The former has the pattern of A/A', AB/A', A'/AB, AB/B'. Most of them are AB/B' owing to having much possibility that a native tongue(B'), which is the central meaning and the constituent of redundant meaning, being connected to the next of the last chinese character(B), being the central meaning for a coined word has mostly modified structures. These expressions are for transmitting promptly the correct meaning of a word written in Chinese characters. Interpreting by explaining comment for not knowing well the meaning of a word written in Chinese character can not be considered, These expression add intentionally to clarify the meaning of part of or all of the words written in Chinese characters.
The syntactic composition of redundant constituents can be classified into redundant of modified structures, argument - predicate, lexical morpheme - grammatical morpheme. Modified structures has a pre-noun / NP and an adverb / V.
The function of redundant meaning can be considered to have afformative function and negative function. The afformative function, which happen to reduce the loss of information by interference in the process of communicating messages from sender to receiver, can increase the utility of communication. The negative function, which happens to think of the expression of redundant meaning as reiteration of add something superfluous in everyday conversation, can be redundant function to lessen the utility of communication.
There are some reasons why redundant meaning happens. First of all, it happens for the purpose of overcoming heterogeneity; making loan words familiar by explaining them to lack of etymological consciousness, occurring by using loan words conflicting with native tongues. Secondly, as a complement of meaning, it happen intentionally in order to emphasis the domain of the meaning that is considered to be weakened. Thirdly, it happens to analogize. Analogy can solve unsettled phenomena that is unconfirmed or have no literature. This way analogize has considerable persuasion, defining redundant as utility of communication. for our ability of word formation depends on analogy. Fourthly, it happens to preserve the argumentive structure. This structure preservation is considered to be redundant expressions as unconscious expressions because the redundant structure of transitive verb including a object has to show a object argument of transitive verb.
So far, expressions of redundant meaning has affirmative functions but it can not be correct Korean expressions wing to overlapping of unnecessary redundant constituents except for using idiomatically. Therefore, it can be desirable to use native tongues as much as possible instead of a word written in Chinese characters in redundant meaning. Explanatory redundant expression that can be predictable or overlapped is not also used.
