신문 보도 언어의 문제점과 개선방안에 관한 연구 : 일간지 기사의 문장과 어휘를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

Newss, as printed publication medias, have done an important role in leading language cultures of Korea. However, wrong or improper sentences and words used in those news have damaged the precious identity of Korean characters, and also dama...

Newss, as printed publication medias, have done an important role in leading language cultures of Korea. However, wrong or improper sentences and words used in those news have damaged the precious identity of Korean characters, and also damaged sound composition habits of readers, and the preciseness and fairness of s due to imprecise news articles.
Those activities of newss, influential medias, may damage sound language functions of readers and invoke wrong language habits unconsciously.
Furthermore, they may make readers regard wrong sentences or words as standard language, and unify or simplify words, sentence structures and expressions because readers regard sentences and words used in newss be exact, logical and elegant.
Those ing aspects have become public idioms (Stuart Hall. 1978) to readers, and wrong sentences, expressions, or words continuously inherit to new ers in apprenticeships.
Practically, the results of interviewing 10 s working in daily news companies showed that there are some problems such as exaggerated or improper titles (1 er), negligent or unprofessional ers (3 ers), habitual ing customs of news companies (4 ers), and insufficient time due to heavy works (2 ers). It approves that ers know problems in languages when writing news articles, but that using sound ing languages is impossible due to habitual customs, deficient professionalism and not enough time in writing news articles. For educations for sound composition in news companies, and for establishing the identities of ing languages and awakening readers about the preciousness of Korean characters, there needs a new tradition in ing languages. Until now, educations about writing news articles were mainly done by imitating previous ers. The problem is that imitated news s are impreciseness in. It is necessary for news companies to approve those problems and, to educate ers professionally to fix those wrong language customs.
News companies should have a leading role in making and improving good ing languages. In this research, ing aspects of daily newss which use foreign words and grammars as if our own words or grammars were studied, and the identity of Korean languages was emphasized for their future prospects in writing news articles.
If news companies recognize how much important it is to use sound ing languages, and have learning attitudes, the capacity of ing languages as well as the developments of news companies will be largely improved. In particular, if news companies improve ing language, the peculiarity and the identity of the Korean language will be revive.
The announcers of TV programs already lead the purification of ing language through reeducations. However, newss are not so eager to correct wrong ing customs having imprecise news articles or to promote fairness.
The purpose of this research was to point out problems in news s and to suggest some countermeasures for those problems. In particular, this research will be the origin of precise ing articles by correcting wrong composition habits and by giving generalities through practically studying habitual expressions, exaggerations, extreme expressions, abusing foreign words or popular expressions, concrete sentence or word compositions and word uses.
By suggesting or studying falsehoods in writing new articles, preciseness and fairness in practical news s can be expected to improve. Furthermore, by suggesting the necessity of sound ing sentences and their improvements, habitual customs in news articles can be eliminated and the preciseness of ing languages can be helped.
