‘{에}, {에서}, {에게}’와 대응 중국어 개사 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The aim of this research is to compare and analy the similarities and difference between adverbial prepositions ‘{-e}(에), {-esoe}(에서), {-ege}(에게) by it's meaning and using and in the Korean language and their equivalents in the Chinese lan...

The aim of this research is to compare and analy the similarities and difference between adverbial prepositions ‘{-e}(에), {-esoe}(에서), {-ege}(에게) by it's meaning and using and in the Korean language and their equivalents in the Chinese language to help the students learning Korean as a foreign language understand and use them. The Chapter 1 makes the simple introduction on what the purpose, scopes and methods, and how the preceding research was made. Chapter 2 introduces the concept and the classification of korean adverbial particle and chinese adverbial prepositions. The Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 is the body of this . Chapter 3 introduces corresponding relations between ‘{-e}(에)’ and adverbial prepositions and Chapter 4 introduces corresponding relations between ‘{-esoe}(에서), {-ege}(에게)’ and adverbial prepositions. Through research and study in chapters 3 to 4. Chapter 5 simply compare and analy the similarities and differences between ‘{-e}(에)’ and ‘{-eseo}(에서)’, ‘{-e}(에)’ and ‘{-ege}(에게)’. The korean adverbial particles there are corresponding chinese adverbial prepositions can be matched to, yet it is not completely applicable. Finally speaking, I hope that results of this research will help the Chinese students who learn the Korean as a foreign language.
