한·일 양국어의 바둑 관련 표현에 관한 고찰 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

From the fact that Namcheol Cho who was the first founder and distributor of Korean-style Go (Baduk) had studied in Japan, it is easy to assume that there were many Japanese-style terms in the early times of Baduk. Nonetheless, few studies have been d...

From the fact that Namcheol Cho who was the first founder and distributor of Korean-style Go (Baduk) had studied in Japan, it is easy to assume that there were many Japanese-style terms in the early times of Baduk. Nonetheless, few studies have been done regarding the terms of Baduk in Korean. Since early times of Baduk was affected greatly by Japan’s Go, a comparative study between Korean and Japanese expressions related to Go must be an interesting topic, and I believe it should be done. Recently, movies and dramas related to Baduk become popular, there are increasing interest in Baduk. However, it is suspicious whether the users of the expressions recognize the expressions originated from Baduk. Studies to find Baduk-related expressions in our language in use would be of great help in recognizing terms of Baduk. This study aims to find out what expressions are in Korean and Japanese related to Go, and how they are used. It also will identify what expressions in Korean are Japanese-style related to Go, and how Korean users recognize them. It will investigate the usages of the expressions by classifying them into Korean Baduk-related terms, Japanese Go-related terms, and Japanese-style Baduk-related terms used in Korea. In order to use frequency of actual users and their recognition, a questionnaire was conducted with non-professional Korean Baduk users for Korean Baduk-related expressions, and non-professional Japanese Baduk users for Japanese Go-related expressions. In addition, Japanese-style expressions related to Go in Korean Baduk, survey was conducted with the Korean Baduk professionals. Through the study, this aims to contribute to changing recognition of users establishing a standard system for Baduk terms. Also, by providing accurate information on Baduk-related expressions, this study hopes Baduk, which is unpopular event in Korea as of now, to be more popular.
