Words in Korean sentences can be ordered relative freely, and easily be dropped out depending on their pragmatic context. Therefore, without given additional contextual information, even a grammatical sentence randomly-selected from newss can hav... Words in Korean sentences can be ordered relative freely, and easily be dropped out depending on their pragmatic context. Therefore, without given additional contextual information, even a grammatical sentence randomly-selected from newss can have thousands of ambiguous parse trees. This proposed a parsing model which does not ignore word ambiguities. Brod-Coverage Korean Dependency Parser using all results of the morpheme analysis determines the dependencies. using Syntactic constraint rules, and increase the accuracy of the analysis and the possibility of practical application. The Argument information of verbs are used to rank. Especially, the dictionary of argument information of verb is utilized by Korean Word(KorLex). ,韩语毕业论文,韩语毕业论文 |