한국어 ‘-고 있-’, ‘-어 있-’과 중국어 ‘着’의 대비 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27


Aspect作为动词的一个语法范畴,主要表示动作的类型或动作是否持续。在韩语中被称为‘상(相)’,在汉语中则主要被称为‘体’。韩语中由补助动词‘있다’构成的‘-고 있-’和‘-어 있-’是使用频率高且具有代表性的 ‘体’的具体表现形式。‘-고 있-’和 ‘-어 있-’在韩语中主要表示动作或状态的持续,与汉语中的动态助词‘着’类似。汉语中的动态助词‘着’主要用在动词后面,表示动作或状态的持续。韩国语中的‘-고 있-’、‘-어 있-’与汉语中的‘着’虽然都可以表示动作或状态的持续,但它们在语法意义和结构特征上还存在一定的差异。而这些差异也正是‘-고 있-’,免费韩语论文,‘-어 있-’学习过程中的重点和难点。在以往的研究中,人们主要是略论了‘-고 있-’,‘-어 있-’与汉语‘着’的对应关系,而对于它们之间的差异却很少进行较为系统的比较研究。因此,本论文在以往对应研究的基础上从语法特征和结构上对‘-고 있-’,‘-어 있-’和‘着’进行对比略论,通过对比略论总结出它们在语法意义和结构特征上的共同点和差异点。希望对以后‘-고 있-’,‘-어 있-’的学习和研究有所帮助。 本论文的主要结构如下: 第一章绪论部分主要论述了本论文的研究目的、意义,相关先行研究以及研究措施、范围和资料的选定。 第二章主要论述了韩国语补助动词‘있다’的语法意义和结构特征,此章在进行论述过程中,对‘-고 있-’和‘-어 있-’的关系也进行了阐述并在此基础上对‘-고 있-’和‘-어 있-’进行分类整理论述; 第三章主要论述了汉语‘着’的语法意义和结构特征,并对其进行了整理和总结; 第四章首先略论了韩国语 ‘-고 있-’和‘-어 있-’的在汉语中的对应形式以及汉语‘着’的在韩国语中对应形式,在此基础上对韩国语‘-고 있-’,‘-어 있-’和汉语‘着’进行了语法意义和结构特征上的对比; 第五章是结论部分,总结前面的研究内容并陈述结论。

Aspect as a Grammatical category,Mainly used to indicate the type of the action or Whether the action is continued.Aspect was called ‘상’in Korean and was called ‘体’in Chinese. ‘-고 있-’and‘-어 있-’ was composed by Auxiliar...

Aspect as a Grammatical category,Mainly used to indicate the type of the action or Whether the action is continued.Aspect was called ‘상’in Korean and was called ‘体’in Chinese. ‘-고 있-’and‘-어 있-’ was composed by Auxiliary verb ‘있다’,With high frequency of use and was a representative and concrete manifestation of ‘体’.‘-고 있-’and ‘-어 있-’was used to show the continue of the action or state.Similar to the auxiliary verb‘着’of Chinese.The auxiliary verb‘着’of Chinese was used to show the continue of the action or state after the verb.Although they all can indicate the continue of the action or state,but they were till different with each other in grammatical meaning and structure characteristics.The difference between ‘-고 있-’,‘-어 있-’and ‘着’was a key and a difficulty in the course of learning ‘-고 있-’,‘-어 있-’and ‘着’.In the past reach mainly analyzed the corresponding relation between the ‘-고 있-’,‘-어 있-’and ‘着’.Comparative Study between them was rarely.Therefore,This discourse contrast ‘-고 있-’,‘-어 있-’and ‘着’in grammatical meaning and structure characteristics based on the past corresponding relation reach .Through comparative analysis Summed up Common point and difference point between ‘-고 있-’,‘-어 있-’and ‘着’in grammatical meaning and structure characteristics.And hope it can bring some help to the future study and reach of ‘-고 있-’,‘-어 있-’and ‘着’. The main structure of this is as follows: The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly discusses the research purpose, significance, related research methods, the scope and the selection of the data. The second chapter is mainly discussed the grammatical meaning and structure characteristics of ‘-고 있-’and‘-어 있-’. In the process of the discussion,the relationship of the‘-고 있-’and‘-어 있-’is also examined. And based on this organized the knowledge point of ‘-고 있-’and‘-어 있-’. The third chapter is mainly discussed the grammatical meaning and structure characteristics of ‘着’,Summarized and organize its knowledge point. The fourth chapter analyzed the corresponding form of ‘-고 있-’,‘-어 있-’and ‘着’.And based on this compared ‘-고 있-’,‘-어 있-’and ‘着’ in the grammatical meaning and structure characteristics . The fifth chapter is the conclusion part, summarizes the content of the previous research and the conclusion.
