태권도 수련 참여 정도와 참여 동기가 중국 초등학생의 자신감 및 참여 만족도에 미치는 영향 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of motivation for taekwondo training participation and the level of participation on confidence and satisfaction level. After a research model was set up, difference tests and regressi...


The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of motivation for taekwondo training participation and the level of participation on confidence and satisfaction level. After a research model was set up, difference tests and regression analysis were conducted in consideration of the characteristics of the variables. The subjects in this study were the elementary school students who were selected by convenience sampling from among 264 elementary schoolers who were undergoing training in taekwondo gyms located in three different Chinese cities. The selected variables to be investigated were participation motivation, confidence and satisfaction level.
As for instrumentation, factor analysis was made, and reliability analysis also was made to measure internal consistency. Concerning data analysis, the collected valid data were coded and then inputted into a computer, and a statistical package SPSS 22.0 was employed to carry out t-test and one-way ANOVA. When there were any significant differences, Scheffe post-hoc analysis was utilized. To test multicollinearity, correlation analysis was made, and multiple regression analysis was used to determine the mutual influence of the variables. the findings of the study were as follows:
First, whether there would be any differences in participation motivation among the trainees according to their demographic characteristics was analyzed. As a result of looking for any possible gender differences, the female trainees were more motivated than the male trainees in terms of intellectual motivation, social motivation and cognitive motivation.
Second, regarding differences in confidence according to demographic characteristics including grade, the fourth-grade and sixth-grade trainees had more social confidence, one of the subfactors of confidence, than the first- and second-grade trainees, and the first and second graders had more social confidence than the third- and fifth-grade trainees. As to differences according to the length of training, the trainees whose length of training was more than four years, between three or four years and between two and three years had more social confidence, one of the subfactors of confidence, than those whose length of training was between one and two years and less than a year. In terms of physical confidence, the trainees whose length of training was between three and four years had more physical confidence than those whose length of training was between two and three years and more than four years, and the trainees whose length of training was between two and three years and more than four years were more physically confident than those whose length of training was between one and two years and less than a year. As to differences according to weekly participation frequency, the trainees who trained everyday and once or twice a week had more general confidence than those who did five or six times a week and three or four times a week.
Third, in regard to differences in satisfaction level according to demographic characteristics including the length of training, the trainees whose length of training was between three and four years and more than four years were more satisfied than those whose length of training was between two and three years, between one and two years and less than a year. As for emotional satisfaction, the trainees whose length of training was between three and four years, more than four years and between two and three years expressed more emotional satisfaction than those whose length of training was between one and two years and less than a year.
Fourth, as a result of analyzing the correlation among the participation motivation, confidence and satisfaction of the taekwondo trainees, intellectual motivation and cognitive motivation that were two subfactors of participation motivation were correlated to every factor. Social motivation had no correlation with general confidence. As to participation motivation and satisfaction level, intellectual motivation, cognitive motivation and social motivation that were the subfactors of participation motivation were correlated with every factor.
Fifth, concerning the impact of participation motivation on confidence and satisfaction level, how intellectual motivation affected the subfactors of confidence was analyzed, and that was found to have an impact on physical confidence. Social motivation exerted an influence on social confidence, and cognitive motivation affected social confidence, general confidence and cognitive confidence.
Concerning the influence of participation motivation on satisfaction level, intellectual motivation had an impact on educational satisfaction and social satisfaction, and social motivation affected social satisfaction. Cognitive motivation exercised an influence on educational satisfaction, social satisfaction and emotional satisfaction.
The above-mentioned findings of the study illustrated that the taekwondo training motivation of the elementary school trainees exerted an influence on their confidence and training satisfaction.
