여성결혼이민자 한국어 쓰기 수행에서 쓰기 지식의 활용 양상 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The present study is intended to establish the aspects of using the writing knowledge in married immigrant women's Korean writing performance. To that end, the theoretical background section discusses the concepts and characteristics of writing and wr...

The present study is intended to establish the aspects of using the writing knowledge in married immigrant women's Korean writing performance. To that end, the theoretical background section discusses the concepts and characteristics of writing and writing knowledge, examines the relationship between writing knowledge and writing performance, and highlights the scope of writing knowledge is not clearly specified. Hence, the present defines the writing knowledge as the knowledge needed for a writer to perform writing in compliance with contexts in different settings, involving the background knowledge (i.e. schema) inherent in the writer's memory and the diverse acquired or learned knowledge required in the process of writing. Based on the foregoing definition,‘linguistic knowledge’,‘text contextual knowledge’,‘content knowledge’and‘socio-linguistic knowledge’are included in the scope of writing knowledge. Also, married immigrant women's writing performance is rated in terms of their writing knowledge relevant to the four aspects aforementioned to identify the aspects and effects of writing knowledge. 55 married immigrant women living in Daegu participated in this study. For the writing performance, the subjects were asked to select and write on a familiar topic from the composition section of the Korean Proficiency Test. At the same time, a questionnaire survey was conducted to determine the relationship between the background variables and the reasons that they found Korean-based writing difficult. A group of 4 raters, who were professional Korean language educators, rated the married immigrant women's writing performance. To increase the reliability of their ratings, the validity was confirmed, while a second rating was conducted if the inter-rater difference exceeded the accepted range. The questionnaire responses were analyzed with SPSS for Windows to calculate the frequency and percentage of each question item. The married immigrant women's background variables, i.e. education, period of living in Korea and period of learning, were set as independent variables. The results of writing performance were set as the dependent variable. ��²statistical testing was conducted at a significance level of 0.05. The analysis results suggest that married immigrant women are capable of writing on diverse contents in accurate forms when their‘linguistic knowledge’,‘text contextual knowledge’,‘content knowledge’and ‘socio-linguistic knowledge’are balanced. Also, the writing performance and the text contextual knowledge show the highest correlation among married immigrant women. In addition, the text contextual knowledge is strongly correlated with the content knowledge. These findings indicate the writing instruction for married immigrant women will be effective if the priority is given to the linguistic knowledge so as to increase their contextual knowledge and content knowledge. Next, married immigrant women's education and their self-ed writing skills are correlated with each other. This finding sheds light on the relationship between one's writing knowledge, attitude towards writing and self-confidence. Furthermore, rather than the period of learning Korean language, the period of living in Korea is more significantly correlated with their class levels. This finding indicates the lack of accuracy and adequacy in the placement test for married immigrant women. The present study has a few important implications for Korean language education for married immigrant women. First, it helps understand the aspects of using the writing knowledge in married immigrant women's writing performance. The present findings will have educational implications for the types of writing knowledge and specific information relevant to teaching Korean language to married immigrant women. Also, the present findings will serve as some reference data for selecting the goals and contents of writing instruction for married immigrant women and for validating the criteria for evaluation.
