한·중 후각형용사 대조 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27


这世界上的各种气味,由于文化异同的不同关于气味的认识也是不同的。并且根据性格、年龄、心理状态等等的不同关于气味的认知和反应也有好有坏。所以说“气味是客观事物的主观表现”。本论文主要对现代韩语中的7种基本嗅觉词 ‘향기롭다, 고소하다, 구수하다, 노리다. 구리다, 비리다, 지리다’ 和现代汉语中的6种基本嗅觉词 ‘香,免费韩语论文,臭,腥,膻,臊,馊’ 进行对照略论,从而找出两国嗅觉词的共同点和异同点,帮助正在学习韩语的中国学生和学习汉语的韩国学生准确的理解和使用两国这些嗅觉词。
在第二、三章中,对韩中两国嗅觉形容词的类型进行了略论和对照。韩语嗅觉形容词的类型相对比较复杂,这是跟语言系统密不可分的,也是为什么会出现不一样类型嗅觉词的最重要的原因所在。韩语是交替语,根据母音子音交替现象的不同出现很多派生词。而汉语是孤立语,韩语论文,内部结构没有产生变化。经过略论对照,在韩语中表示香味不好闻的嗅觉词远远比表示香味好闻的嗅觉词多得多。而在汉语里这两者的数量实际上是差不多的,并且在汉语中香和臭互为反义词,而韩语则不然。例如,在韩语中表示香的“고소하다, 구수하다“和表示臭的“노리다”就不互为反义词。而在汉语中香的含义比较广泛,植物和食物好闻都可以称之为“香”,而韩语却分得很细。植物花卉的香是“향기롭다”,炒芝麻、香油的“香”用“구수하다”来表达,而大酱汤散发出来的香味则用“고소하다”来表达。正因如此,刚开始学习韩语的中国学生在这方面的学得上是困难的,因为无法准确的去理解它们的区别在哪儿。
在第四章中,对韩中两国基本嗅觉形容词的基本语义和扩张语义进行了对照略论。在基本语义方面,没有太大的差别。但是汉语里的“香”和韩语里的“향기롭다' 和 ‘고소하다/구수하다” 则呈现出多对一的对等关系。在扩张语义方面,不是所有的嗅觉词都出现语义扩张,并且最大的异同点是两国嗅觉形容词呈现出不同的扩张语义。通过例文的展示,准确的把握两者之间的相同点和不同点,这关于理解和学习两国语言的学生来说是有很大的帮助的。
在第五章中,对韩中两国基本嗅觉形容词的习惯用语表现进行了对照略论。相对汉语来说,韩语中嗅觉形容词的习惯用语表现相对少些。其中韩语“구린 입 지린 입”和汉语中的‘臭嘴';韩语“비린내(가) 나다”和汉语“乳臭未干”,在习惯用语表现上面有相似的特点。

Olfactory substances are detected by ciliary cell which consists of olfactory epithelium, these substances excite the sense of smell and enter to nasal cavity in the gaseous state. The molecular size of the particles of the substances melted by mucila...

Olfactory substances are detected by ciliary cell which consists of olfactory epithelium, these substances excite the sense of smell and enter to nasal cavity in the gaseous state. The molecular size of the particles of the substances melted by mucilage secretion olfactory epithelium and stimulate olfactory cells, therefore we recognize the smell.
All the smell of the earth are recognized differently depending on a cultural area, the food they eat. South Korea and China have a different food culture. Even the same smell can cause different responses by age, gender and psychological state.
The field of the smell requires attention from other to study such as neurology, chemistry and need a multidisciplinary approach. There are not many olfactory language studies, especially compare to other sense studies. And compare to other comparative studies of sensitive language, it is really hard to find the Korean-Chinese olfactory adjectives study.
The two countries classified differently olfactory language and the number of vocabularies is different. Korean is an agglutinative language, it has diachronic changes. Therefore, it is difficult to analyze the form and meaning of the morpheme. But Chinese is an isolating language and has less diachronic changes, so it has clear boundary between the morphemes.
Therefore, Korean has a variety of olfactory language, but Chinese doesn’t have it as much as Korean. For example, the olfactory language of Chinese '香' has comprehensive meaning. In Korean it means '향기롭다', '구수하다', '고소하다'. In other words, Korean '향기롭다', '구수하다', '고소하다' and Chinese '香' have the many-to-one corresponding relation. When Chinese learn '구수하다', '고소하다' , it must be really difficult to learn. So, Contrast Analysis between Korean and Chinese olfactory language will be an interesting study.
People who learn a foreign language, they are already familiar with their native language. All languages have their intrinsic language structures, the same meaning can become a variety of expressions in different languages. Some expressions of native language don’t have any corresponding expressions in foreign language. In this case it is much difficult to learn than if the foreign language has the same or similar expressions. The
The more the mother tongue and a foreign language are different, the more difficult to learn a foreign language. Most of the foreign language learners tend to understand a foreign language to evoke the phenomenon in their native language. Unconsciously the mother tongue interfere a foreign language.
Contrast study between Korean and Chinese can help the Chinese native learners who study Korean language, also can help the Korean native learners who study Chinese. I would like to help the Chinese native learner on how to understand and use Korean olfactory language. And delineate some Korean and Chinese olfactory language.
This study aims to delineate the semantic similarities and differences of the Contemporary Korean and Chinese olfactory adjectives based on the lexical semantics. The object of study include the seven kind of basic olfactory adjectives ‘향기롭다, 고소하다, 구수하다, 노리다, 구리다, 비리다, 지리다’ and the six of the basic olfactory adjectives ‘香,臭,腥,膻,臊,馊’.
I analyzed the olfactory adjectives types and forms of Korean and Chinese, and also find out their similarities and differences. Furthermore, I delineated primary meaning and meaning extension, idiom of Korean and Chinese olfactory adjectives. The meaning and usage of each olfactory language refers to the Standard Korean Dictionary of National Institute of Korean Language, Chinese refers to Modern Chinese Dictionary. Examples are sentences from each county’s dictionary and literature.
