학습자 상호 협력을 통한 듣기 능력 신장 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The purpose of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of cooperative learning theories, especially in improving foreign students' listening skills when taking listening classes, and developing lesson plans with a teaching manual that uses '...

The purpose of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of cooperative learning theories, especially in improving foreign students' listening skills when taking listening classes, and developing lesson plans with a teaching manual that uses 'dictogloss' and 'task based teaching method' activities. This manual is very simple to manage and follow as long as teachers are ready to take the initial step of changing their class.
Other earlier research and studies about cooperative and collaborative learning and teaching have shown that interactive studies among learners are very effective at motivating students to study more and deeper, but these studies have also shown that adhering to the rules and managing the class without interfering with students' team activities is also necessary.
Regarding foreign language education, it is more effective to use two or more language functions among the four (listening, speaking, reading and writing) than training educators to develop one function in their classes.
This teaching model is useful to develop both fluency and accuracy because it provides constant feedback by peers and teachers and even allows them to share their mistakes, providing a chance to correct themselves and expose themselves to new expressions (whether intentionally or unintentionally). This listening class will also use texts that apply to the reading function, so learners can improve their reading at the same time.
In this study the 'TOPIK' listening section is divided into question types and the 'TOPIK' reading section is divided into topics when creating teaching materials. Listening questions are divided into five types. Reading topics are divided into four. Since the most recent 'TOPIK' places emphasis on evaluating Korean Language ability via practical communication skills, the types of listening questions and the reading topics' contexts are also related to social life.
This research is to recognize the importance of improving learners' listening skill by providing effective listening activities which can provide learners with motivation to learn. Hopefully more studies will be conducted in the future based on this study.
