헝가리어 화자용 한국어 말하기 교재 개발을 위한 기초 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

A Fundamental Study on Developing a Korean Speaking Textbook for Hungarian Learners This is a study focusing on developing a Korean speaking oriented textbook designed for Hungarian learners of Korean as a foreign language, reflecting the learners’...

A Fundamental Study on Developing a Korean Speaking Textbook for Hungarian Learners This is a study focusing on developing a Korean speaking oriented textbook designed for Hungarian learners of Korean as a foreign language, reflecting the learners’ needs of the students of the Korean Department of ELTE University in Budapest, Hungary. There is only one Korean language textbook developed in Hungarian so far. Even though this textbook lacks in many ways, there is still a huge demand for it as well as for other Korean textbooks written in Hungarian to be further developed. This demand is based on the growing popularity of Korean language and culture, and the growing number of students starting learning Korean. The rising popularity of the Korean Department in Hungary was the reason why these learners became the target group for this study. Thus, this study aims at developing a Korean speaking oriented language textbook which can be used effectively at Korean language classes in Hungary. Chapter 2 is divided into two parts. The first part discusses the concept of speaking, the problems which have to be dealt within the frame of teaching speaking skills, and the outlines of teaching Korean speaking skill. The second part discusses the basic principles of developing textbooks and textbook materials for enchancing speaking skills. Chapter 3 describes the research method, procedure, subjects and tools of the survey of this study and contains the results of the survey and interviews. Firstly, it analizes the Hungarian textbook and the textbook being used, called 100-hour Korean language, in Korean language classes at ELTE university. Secondly, the need survey of students and the students’ intervews are carried out among the students of the Korean Department at ELTE University and the results are analized. Finally, a topics-based speaking oriented Korean textbook is proposed with contents for Korean speaking education. The results of the survey and the interview are as follows. Most of the students started to learn Korean because they had an interest in the language, and they would like to be either translators or interpreters. The students do not have a chance in real life to practice the language with a Korean native speaker, thus they do not feel confident in their speaking skills in Korean and they were not satisfied with the textbook being used at the university either. The tasks presented in the textbook were the biggest problems. The students shared the same opinion that they needed a textbook based on different topics and authentic texts related to real life. Since there are many students in one Korean class, the new textbook needs to focus on small group activities or pair acitivities, so the students could have a chance practicing Korean speaking skills. Based on the results of the interviews, they answered that they could practice reading and writing skills the most during their language classes, but they would like to practice more speaking during the classes and would like to acquire more vocabulary and expressions in Korean, since the textbook being used was especially lacking in vocabulary. These results show the need for a new textbook developed for Hungarian learners. Since their goal of learning Korean is linked to further studies or occupation, the new textbook should give cultural information for the students as well. Chapter 4 contains the results of the textbook analysis. Two textbook evaluation standards were used. The evaluation proposed by Kim Sangsu (2007) focused on evaluating the speaking tasks in a textbook, while the evaluation proposed by Hong Jongmyoung (2011) focused on evaluating the topics used in a Korean language textbook. As the results showed, the analized textbooks were not proper for Korean speaking skill education and could not help the language learner to develope fluency in Korean. Besides, neither of the books showed enough language input or authentic language use that could help the learners to formulate their own speaking. Chapter 5 proposes a topics-based, speaking oriented Korean langauge textbook development. Since this textbook do not aim to teach the basics of Korean language, it could be used from the second year at the Department to study Korean language and develop speaking skills during the language classes. It has 23 topics, each topic divided into two units. These units are linked to real life situations or themes, making the students use Korean language in order to solve the tasks, so the language could become a tool to make themselves understood. The text of the first units are always question and answer types, giving an example for the students how native Korean speakers express themselves, while the texts of the second units are based on real samples of the language and provide information about comtemporary Korean culture. Chapter 6 provides an outline of the entire content of this study, concludes suggestiong for follow-up studies, and points out the limitations of this study.
