외국어로서의 한국어와 프랑스어 교재의 분석 및 비교 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This study aims to find a better method on vocabulary, grammar and culture education by contrasting five Korean textbooks for foreigners with the most used French textbook in Korea. The chosen French textbook for foreigners is considered one of the be...

This study aims to find a better method on vocabulary, grammar and culture education by contrasting five Korean textbooks for foreigners with the most used French textbook in Korea. The chosen French textbook for foreigners is considered one of the best models to show how to combine the actual use of language with the cultural aspects of language. In Korean education as a foreign language, the main focus is on attaining communicative proficiency. However, the aspects of culture in the textbooks have been neglected and it still has a lot of improvements to make, the attention on the cultural aspects of foreign languages has been gaining popularity in recent days though. This study has compared five Korean textbooks and one French textbook as a foreign language focusing on the cultural aspects to suggest improvements in the methods of vocabulary, grammar and culture education. Particularly, it has concentrated on the search of the ways to utilize the cultural principles in Korean education as a foreign language. Most students in foreign language class need to learn the cultural aspects of Korean language which are related to their daily life and useful in authentic situations, but their needs are not fully reflected in most korean textbooks. Even though korean textbooks try to show the culture-related contents, they are lack of specific situations or examples and authentic materials like video clips or visual aids. On the other hand, the French textbook has successfully reflected their cultural principles and language usage focusing on students’needs. In this regards, this tries to review the problems of the cultural aspects in Korean textbooks and find a better vocabulary, grammar and culture education method which utilizes the cultural principles in Korean education as a foreign language. This also suggested the concrete lesson plans to be useful and helpful for korean teachers on actual class.
