한국어와 힌디어 피동 표현 대조연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

A Contrastive Study of the Passive in Korean and Hindi The purpose of the study is to show similarities and differences between Korean and Hindi by examining the types and characteristics of the passive voice expressions in the languages and throug...

A Contrastive Study of the Passive in Korean and Hindi

The purpose of the study is to show similarities and differences between Korean and Hindi by examining the types and characteristics of the passive voice expressions in the languages and through an examination of the two languages from the perspective of contrastive linguistics. The passive voice expressions belong to a grammatical category that plays an important part in the Korean language education and learners in Hindi-speaking regions also find difficult.
In the second chapter examined the characteristics of the passive voice expressions universally found in languages. The characteristics include the presence of active counterpart, the agent demotion, the patient elevation, and morphological marking. Also checked the basic linguistic characteristics of Hindi and the Hindi voice.
In the third chapter Korean described the three passive voice expressions which includes the derivative passive voice expressions combining with ‘-i-, -hi-, -ri-, -ki-’, and the syntactic passive voice expressions combining with the auxiliary verb of ’a/eojida’ Also, word-based the passive voice expressions generated with word-based verbs such as ‘doeda, danghada, batda’. On the other hand, Hindi has three types of the passive voice expressions as Korean does: Jana passive of [the perfect form of transitive verb / auxiliary verb(???? / jana)], the natural passive realized by passive verbs, and the impersonal passive in the form of [the perfect form of intransitive verbs / auxiliary verb(???? / jana)].
Next classified the passive voice expressions found in both languages into morphology, syntax, and semantics for comparison purpose. In morphology features, examined the passive voice of figure and category, agent mark.
In syntax features, examined the correspondence between active and the passive voice expressions, differences due to verbal tense, gender, and number, and the characteristics of the passive voice expressions with objectives. And in semantics features, examined the reasons for using the passive voice expressions and their functions. People use the passive voice expressions because the focus is placed on the patient or when the agent is not known or when the agent is omitted by drawing attention to the hearer. And the passive voice expressions serve to deliver objective information on the subject or to reduce the burden through agent defocusing.
And through the comparison, suggested errors that can occur when Hindi-speaking learners speak and demonstrate the need for a method to teach the passive voice expressions to learners from Hindi-speaking countries.
