중국인을 위한 문화 주제 중심 한국어 어휘적 연어 교육 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

Even though the Korean language education and study is gaining popularity in China but the collocation is still struggling to find its place among academicians and students. In order to make collocation education systematically in China we need to ...

Even though the Korean language education and study is gaining
popularity in China but the collocation is still struggling to find its place
among academicians and students. In order to make collocation education
systematically in China we need to educate collocation contents, classifi
cation, list of the similarities and differences between Chinese and Korean
collocations, method of utilization, teaching methods, etc. and also to solve
a variety of other similar challenges. In this study, a suitable list of
collocation for Korean language learners in China has been selected and
classified and compared with those of Chinese collocations. Based on
these, a teaching method of Korean collocations to Chinese students is
suggested in this thesis. collocation list were classified according to each
subject based on cultural content. In addition, aim of this thesis is to
configure the study-learning method based on the classified list of
collocation which is divided by topic and according to the nature of
Chinese learners.
First chapter of the thesis deals with the research direction of thesis
work based on the importance of vocabulary, importance of collocation and
results of previous research on Korean collocation. Korean collocation
research has been done in various field such as Korean linguistic, applied
linguistics etc. Among these various research, there are many for Chinese
background students too. But mainly work was done comparing the form
and meaning of collocation of Korean and Chinese, or most of them
concentric on presenting teaching method of some parts of collocation. So, it seems that it is not appropriate to apply it in Korean education in China.
This , however, wish to play an important role not only for Chinese
students but also for the Korean teachers as a guideline and training of
collocation according to collocation list and teaching method. Since, among
the lexical collocation, [Substantives/verb] form of collocation occupy the
most of the share, hence, this attempts and try to concentrate and
discuss on [Substantives/verb].
In chapter 2, the current status of Korean lexical collocation education in
China is reviewed. first of all, to form the collocation education, the
theoretical content and also information on the concept and types of
collocation is reviewed. Because it is a study to target a specific language
group that is 'Chinese', theoretical knowledge of the collocation as a
Chinese native language and comparison of the concept of predicate will be
In order to identify the situation of collocation teaching in China, primary
site survey and secondary online survey were conducted. As the result of
1st survey, it is found that there were many places those are yet to
establish the vocabulary classes in the Department of Korean Language in
China, and also that the Korean collocation education is not conducted
actively there. In This , in order to find the direction of the
vocabulary education based on the need of the students, a survey was
conducted targeting students and teachers of Tianjin Foreign Studies
University. The survey covers the following major aspects: the situation of
vocabulary and collocation teaching and learning, impression on vocabulary
teaching-learning and the way students and teachers want it to be taught.
It shows that many students have an opinion that learning vocabulary is
boring and burden task instead of fun. According to survey, subject
classified and culturally related collocation education is preferred.
Second survey was carried out online to supplement the limitations of
primary survey result. To widespread the target audience, not only
Chinese students learning Korean language in china but also Chinese
students in Korea as well were included. Result was little bit different in
case of students studying in Korea but the collective preference was a
culturally orientated collocation education system as these students are interested in culture, cultural content and collocation classified according to
topic. Again, they answered that while collocation education does not
systematically conducted so a list of collocation is necessary. Based on
these surveys, it is conformed that there is a need for collocation
education concentrating on cultural topic and should find the way for
teaching-learning method based on cultural classification.
Chapter 3 proposes a concept of 'Lexical Collocation Education System'
to configure the collocation education contains for Chinese students. Here,
researchers prefers to coin the term 'educational collocation' instead of
'collocation for students'. The term would attempt to explain that in Korean
language education program, it is the lexical collocation that teacher
teaches in the different level of Korean education and at the same time it
is the basic collocation for the student to learn. According to this concept,
educational lexical collocations are selected and further those are
categorized and classified. I refer to some Korean text book and material
being used in various Universities and institute in Korea such as Jo
nam-ho(2003) 'korean learning vocabulary selection ', Kim ha-su et
al. (2007) 'Korean Collocation Dictionary for Korean education', Seo Sang
-gyu (2013) 'Korean basic Vocabulary list', List of collocation extracted
from Mun Geum-hyeon (2002) and collocation summarized by Kim ji-eun
(2010). Based on these materials, the educational collocation for Chinese
students have been selected and organized.
After Selecting the Lexical collocation for education, they are tabled
according to topic and subject and also classified according to beginner,
intermediate, and advanced level. With reference international Korean
language education prevailing standard model for development of
educational plan linked with culture, four general but major topics have
been drafted as following: 'Korean's living life', 'values of Koreans', 'south
Korea's society', 'south Korea's history'. Depending on these major topics,
it is summarized and classified by detailed sub-topics and also considering
the level of education, list of collocation is formed.
Chapter 4 presents the list of the thematic cultural collocation and
contrasts and corresponding the meaning with Chinese language. Further a
method of education is suggested that what cautions should be kept in mind while explaining these collocation at Korean language class in regards
with cultural gap and localized meaning. Depending on corresponding
meaning of Korean collocation and Chinese collocation, method of
translations are divided in 5 ways, which are 'one to one(一對一)' method,
'opposite of one to one' method, 'many-to-one(多對一)' method, 'one-to
-many(一對多)'method', 'lexical' 'liberal translation (意譯)'. This chapter
also emphasizes the correct use of postpositional particle like '-이/가', '-을
/를', '-에', etc which featured in the configuration of collocation, and also
configure the correct sentence with the use of collocation. it emphasizes
that collocation will be helpful while doing writing assignments, doing any
academic task or in communi cation purposes. In addition, research results
presented through list of cultural contain which is thematically liked, will
be useful for conducting collocation class which is linked with cultural
Chapter 5 reviews the educational principles and according to that
principle finds the teaching method based on culture for Chinese learners
and also suggests a model for the collocation class. The Teaching methods
follows the principles of the vocabulary teaching and also considers the
pros and cons of the existing PPP model and OHE model. Model is
designed in line with designed class using 5 steps currently widely used in
the Korean educational field which are the introduction stage, practice
stage, the use stage, summarize stage. In addition, three-step model was
also suggested for the limited circumstance in China. While using the
cultural content which is preferred by Chinese students, I think that
combination of collocation with culture lead way to not only learning the
collocation but also demonstrate the effectiveness of Korean cultural
In this study, from the thematic collocation education point of view in
connection with the contents of culture, there is a significant point of
constructed and customized educational content of Chinese learners. The
discussion in this could be a guide for Korean educators in china to
have become effective collocation education and I wish could be practical
reference materials for the learners and for that would like to conclude the
discussion of this .
