통합적 접근에 기반한 한국어 학습자의 학문적 쓰기 성취기준 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The purpose of this study is, as a study of the development of achievement standard of writing, to conceptualize the ability of academic writing and to develop the achievement standard of writing which should be attained by foreign Korean language lea...

The purpose of this study is, as a study of the development of achievement standard of writing, to conceptualize the ability of academic writing and to develop the achievement standard of writing which should be attained by foreign Korean language learners studying in universities in Korea. Therefore, we discussed on the framework regarding what purpose and achievement standard are needed in order to establish an educational curriculum based on the materials used in universities in Korea, and we also discussed the selection of sub-areas, and the detailed achievement standards for each area to establish the educational curriculum which can provide the minimum achievement standard of writing education for the language learners studying in universities. The number of foreign leaners who enroll in the undergraduate courses of the universities in korea is getting bigger and bigger, but in reality, most of them are entering the universities or the graduate schools without a sufficient command of Korean language required for the academic studying. As a result, more and more foreign students studying in Korea are giving up their studying due to the difficulties they are experiencing in the courses of academic research and studying, and such difficulties are attributed to the lack of writing skills. Writing at university is a tool to measure the cognitive ability of the learners on the surface, serves as a base for academic research, is an essential function required in each academic area, and is a tool to proceed with studying and research. As such, although writing is a kind of communication area, it is not naturally acquired by the learners but the learners should be taught, experience, and practice to be acquire the skill. Therefore, writing education for foreign students should be provided in a systematic manner in order to allow the learners to produce and create the texts that are suitable for the university, which is a community for academic discourses. In the area of Korean language education, there have been many pieces of research on writing education since Chungsook Kim has started in 2000. However, in most cases, those previous studies mainly focused on the methodologies, strategies and the evaluation of writing education, and there has been little research on the achievement standard for the language learners to pursue. As the number of advanced-level leaners and the students who are studying for the academic purposes is getting bigger, now is the time for us to focus on the Korean language learners who are studying in university in order to improve the overall quality of the Korean language education. In this regard, the study of the educational goals and achievement standard for those learners should be conducted, and we need to consider the current level of those learners and offer guidance on the desirable level of writing skills that are essential for them to pursue academic courses in universities. In the writing courses currently being provided to the university students, there are no standardized contents on the achievement standard of academic writing skills. Instead, those writing courses are simply presenting such vague goals as “enhancing students’ understanding of liberal arts and humanities” and “logical and critical thinking”. Presenting such vague and unclear goals impose excessive burden of studying on not only students but also lecturers and professors. This is because there is no clear guidance on at which level and with how much studying they can improve the “students’ understanding of liberal arts and humanities” and their “logical and critical thinking.” Therefore, the achievement standard of academic writing in universities should be standardized and classified in detail by reflecting the current level of students and the actual situations of writing education because currently writing education is provided as a general course for all the students as an academic base. Against this backdrop, this study attempts to develop the indispensable achievement standard of writing education in universities. To this end, we criticized the previous studies which have been discussed as part of problem-solving process, and continued our discussion on a view that writing is a problem-solving activity. The perspective that writing is a kind of process is not explaining the concept of writing but focusing on the procedures and steps of writing. Therefore, from our view, writing should be discussed from the perspective that writing is a kind of activity. In this context, we discussed the academic writing ability and its elements by integrating the theoretical background which combines social, psychological and epistemological aspects of the academic writing ability and language skills while emphasizing the epistemological aspect of the existing social constructionism paradigm. In the previous studies, discussions were centered on the writing ability which contains both general and academic purposes, and most of those studies sought to conduct evaluation using writing outputs created by language learners. However, this study is based on the view that the ability of academic writing comes from the internal capacity which leads the writing process, not the output of writing itself externally expressed by the learner, and therefore, we have adopted an approach which considers writing as part of the practicing process. Writing ability is required for all the learners in the course of writing education, so there are limitations in discussing writing ability only based on the writing outputs of the learners. Thus, our discussion adopted an integrated approach on academic writing ability which considers all of the steps and courses for producing all the texts required in the academic context, as well as the necessity of the academic writing achievement standard reflecting the aforementioned elements. Achievement standard allows us to get the detailed understanding of the contents and the level that the students should obtain in the course of writing education in universities, while serving to make a more vibrant teaching and studying environment for teachers and students. furthermore, the writing teachers and the students can share a common vision for the expected level of studying, therefore facilitating to set higher standards for writing education and to provide equal opportunities for education. The achievement standard should provide a clear and specific guideline on the purpose and contents of studying to learners, and also offer an integrated template combing each area of linguistic function. Moreover, detailed descriptions on the cognitive skills throughout the writing process should be presented, which is reflecting core capacities which allow students to pursue their academic goals with ease after entering in their majors as well as the current teaching and studying factors. Discussing these essentials for the achievement standard, this study classified the existing common writing courses in universities into semester groups, and then into the two stages of the basic academic writing and the advanced academic writing. And we suggested that the advanced academic writing course should be provided depending on the curriculum track of the students. Such classification can help students to experience a meaningful voluntary studying by differentiating educational contents and activities depending on the level of abilities of the students, and it has also its significance in that it can provide educational contents that are necessary and suitable for the writing level of each student. We produced the contents of the achievement standard for each stage considering the students’ factors, teachers’ factors and their teaching/studying environmental factors, and we conducted an expert evaluation for appropriateness in order to verify those factors. As a result, we finally developed the contents of the achievement standard for the common writing course for all students and classified the writing achievement standard for each curriculum track considering the characteristics and the methods of description of s used in each curriculum track. The achievement standard we suggested in this study took into consideration the practical writing proficiency of foreign students studying in Korean universities, and its significance is lying in the fact that we presented the contents of achievement standard reflecting the unique characteristics of each curriculum track. By presenting the goal of writing education courses and achievement standard, we can select the main points of teaching at the university level and hierarchize them, while producing more detailed educational contents. In addition, we can present the standards for the educational materials to be developed in the future. In conclusion, the achievement standard suggested in this study will serve as an important indicator which can determine what core contents are in the writing education at universities which are currently determined unilaterally by each lecturer or university.
