다문화가정 자녀 대상 상호문화교육 방안 연구 : 교재 『다문이의 세시풍속 이야기』를 활용하여 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

A Study of Intercultural Education for Children in Multicultural Families : Utilizing the textbook Damuni’s Story About Seasonal Customs The objective of this research is to formulate intercultural education lesson plans for children in multicult...

A Study of Intercultural Education for Children in Multicultural Families : Utilizing the textbook Damuni’s Story About Seasonal Customs The objective of this research is to formulate intercultural education lesson plans for children in multicultural families. This research is spurred by a critical realization that, with the increasing number of children in multicultural families in the Republic of Korea, we need to take a more active approach in educating them. Their bilingual and bicultural characteristics necessitate more emphases on bilingual and intercultural education for them; therefore, education of those children should aim at intercultural learning rather than just learning about Korean culture. With this aim, this research sets the goal of intercultural education for children in multicultural families as to help them accept both of their parents’ cultures as their own and to become culturally open, hence, to develop multicultural sensitivity through discovering, comparing and contrasting different cultures with Korean culture. On chapter II, I answer why intercultural education for children in multicultural families is important and why intercultural education should utilize seasonal customs. In order to do that, first of all, I investigate how relevant governmental bodies define children in multicultural families and subsequently, their demography. Then, in order to clarify what kind of education is needed for those children, I enquire into what intercultural education is and why it is necessary, and explain its goals and lesson plans. Furthermore, I probe into why intercultural education should utilize seasonal customs to educate children from multicultural families. That ceremonies, food, and pastime in seasonal customs can be developed into activities for the children makes seasonal customs useful educational resources in intercultural education for those children. On chapter III, I propose Damuni’s Story About Seasonal Customs (Korean title, 다문이의 세시풍속 이야기), one of Damuni series as a practical teaching material in intercultural education for children in multicultural families, and explain why I have selected the book as the teaching material in terms of its structural design and content. The textbook is designed to help the students learn about their parents’ native languages and cultures, through which they can develop a sense of heritage towards the countries of their parents. Also, the comparison of listed countries’ seasonal customs enables the children to have a better understanding of each country’s seasonal customs in length and focus on its characteristics. I analyze the content of the textbook and examine listed countries’ seasonal customs. The scope of study on seasonal customs and cultural features is limited to what is listed in the book. Features that are not presented in all four countries (Korea, China, Vietnam, and Mongolia) are put in Other section and made into a table. I also explore and organize details of the listed seasonal customs in the order of meaning, rites (ceremonies), seasonal food, and seasonal pastime. On chapter IV, based on the analysis of seasonal customs on chapter III, I put forth intercultural-education features including New Year, Thanks Giving Day, Ancestral Worship and Filial Piety, Practice of Invoking Deities for Good Future, Seasonal Food, and Seasonal Pastime. Also, I formulate intercultural education lesson plans with a goal to help children in multicultural families internalize cultural openness and heighten multicultural sensitivity on the foundation of understanding both countries of their parents. The significance of this research lies in its study of intercultural education for children in multicultural families. For its teaching materials, I select Damuni series, which covers different cultures of four countries in all four languages including Korean. Therefore, the series is a valuable resource in intercultural education as it allows the children not only to understand their parents’ native languages and cultures but also to discover and embrace other cultures. That is to say that I hope such language/culture textbooks like Damuni series are continually created for multicultural education purposes in the future. Lastly, this research leaves room for more consideration in that only Damuni’s Seasonal Customs, the third book of the series is considered in developing the education plans. Further researches are expected to be conducted in conjunction with the first book, Mom and Dad’s multicultural folktales and the second, Damuni’s story about four ceremonies­– coming of age, wedding, funeral, and ancestral rites.
