매체를 활용한 신조어 토의·토론 교수 학습 방안 연구 : 한국어 중·고급학습자들을 대상으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The Study on the Measure of Teaching and Learning Coined Words Using Media : Targeted for the intermediate level and the advanced level learners of the Korean language In order to effectively teach the cultural meaning of the newly-coined Korean te...

The Study on the Measure of Teaching and Learning Coined Words Using Media : Targeted for the intermediate level and the advanced level learners of the Korean language In order to effectively teach the cultural meaning of the newly-coined Korean terms to learners, this study aims to develop a teaching and learning model and utilize it in actual education fields by applying learning through discussions and debates and education using media. In a bid to achieve this goal, this study arranged the standard of selecting vocabulary for education by analyzing the coined words included in The Neologism Report published by the National Institute of Korean Language and classified the vocabulary according to the standard. Moreover, based on the selected coined words for education, this study examined the problems of the existing measures of teaching and learning coined words by applying learning through discussions and debates and education using media and sought a strategy which tries to find teaching and learning measures that can become alternatives. In Chapter 2, in order to figure out the coined words' definition, categories, classifications, and ways of creation and categorize the newly-coined Korean terms that include educational values, appropriate selection criteria have been examined and neologisms have been selected and contained. Chapter 3 looked at the theoretical background of learning through discussions and debates and education using media so as to effectively teach the cultural meaning of coined words to learners. In addition, the teaching and learning measure that can be applied in actual education fields has been proposed by examining the learning through discussions and debates models and education through media models and selecting the principle of developing those models. Chapter 4 suggested the teaching and learning strategy and methods which can be utilized in actual lessons that applied a model.
