학술 텍스트에 나타나는 반복 양상의 분석을 통한 담화 적절성 연구 : 모어 화자와 학습자의 비교를 통해 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The purpose of this study is to examine the discourse appropriateness required for writing academic texts and to find out the way of producing appropriate discourse the learners need to aim at ㅡ by analyzing academic texts between academic-oriented ...

The purpose of this study is to examine the discourse appropriateness required for writing academic texts and to find out the way of producing appropriate discourse the learners need to aim at ㅡ by analyzing academic texts between academic-oriented advanced learners and native speakers. This study started from the fact that advanced learners are in need of discourse-level writing education beyond the education of accuracy of vocabulary, grammar, and sentence production. Without learning the form and conventions of academic discourse communities, the learners end up producing texts that are grammatically correct but not relevant for the situation and context of the discourse. By analyzing the academic texts where ‘repetition’ appears, this noted that the learners fail to meet the conventions of the discourse community and reduce the quality of academic texts when they repeat the same expressions. In total, 80 texts of native Koreans and Korean learners, 40 respectively, were analyzed in order to compare the patterns of repetitive expressions and to investigate the differences between the two. In Chapter 1, this discussed the need for the research on the basis of the demands of the learners with an academic-purpose and the importance of discourse appropriateness, presenting research problems and research methods. Chapter 2 provides the theoretical backgrounds of the study, introducing the theory and relevant literatures. In Chapter 3, this research conducted a results of the preliminary survey of texts of native speakers and learners’ ㅡ 10 texts for each group, confirming that the repetition patterns of connective endings and expression of sentence-ending appear more frequently in the learner’s text than in native speaker’s texts. Based on the survey outcome, this analyzed the repetitive patterns in the learner’s texts and inferred the reason. Chapter 4 contains the analysis of the repetitive patterns in the native speakers’ texts and their comparison with the learners’. At this point, the way native speakers repeat expression of sentence-ending and the way they avoid repetition are examined. The strategy of avoiding repetition by the native speakers are particularly analyzed and sorted by types. After the comparison between the texts of learners and the native speakers, implications of analysis are suggested. In Chapter 5, the results of the study are summarized, based on which the strategy for academic-oriented advanced learners is suggested in order for them to write advanced academic texts with appropriateness of discourse in relation to repetition of expression of sentence-ending. In addition, the need of discourse education for the learners of Korean is emphasized. Finally, the implications and limitations of the study are presented and room for improvement is described.
