중국어권 한국어 학습자를 위한 한자어 학습 난이도 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

A Study on the Difficulty of Sino-Korean Words for Chinese Learners Sino-Korean words, originating from classical Chinese, occupies an important position in modern Korean. It accounts for more than half of the Korean vocabulary so that it can be b...

A Study on the Difficulty of Sino-Korean Words for Chinese Learners

Sino-Korean words, originating from classical Chinese, occupies an important position in modern Korean. It accounts for more than half of the Korean vocabulary so that it can be beneficial for Chinese learners who know Chinese characters well. However, as time passed by, Chinese characters which come from Chinese changed in form and meaning. Compared to learners from other countries, Chinese learners even make more errors on Sino-Korean words under the effect of their mother tongue.
Based on the semantic and morphologic differences comparing to Chinese words, Sino-Korean words are generally divided into the vocabulary with the same form and the vocabulary with the same meaning. Depending on the semantic similarity, homotypic Sino-Korean words can be classified into synonym, near-synonym and non-synonym. On the other hand, as varied as the morphologic difference, heterotypic words also can be divided into the partly heterotypic one which has the same Chinese character with Chinese and total different shaped words. Most comparative study of Sino-Korean words attempted the similarity and diversity in morphology and semantics for searching or developing effective teaching methods and learning strategies. In many studies, homotypic-synonym words is the simplest Sino-Korean type for Chinese learners to learn because it is almost the same with Chinese. The study on the difficulty order among those Sino- Korean types is rarely found. Therefore this dissertation aims to rank the difficulty orders among those five types Sino-Korean words. The framework of this dissertation is as follows.
In Chapter 1, the study’s goals and necessity, research methods and the problem of the previous studies are presented. In Chapter 2, refer to the classification of the Sino-Korean in the previous study and choose five types Sino-Korean words, based on the characteristics of them, proposed a hypothesis of the difficulty order and variation trend when the Korean level is considered. Chapter 3, correctness of the hypothesis is examined, 4-year university students with intermediate and advanced level, each group 16 participants were chosen, and the questionnaire was also divided into intermediary part and advanced part based on the lexicon level selected. after carrying out the survey, data was collected and analyzed, the number of the errors of 5 types Sino-Korean is used to judge the difficulty order. In the survey, Students also estimated the degree of difficulty based on their experience. Comparing those two results, we can get an idea about the students’ awareness of each type Sino-Korean. The difficulty order of the five types Sino-Korean words is as follow.
Homotypic-synonym is the simplest type for Chinese learners, partly hereotypic-synonym Sino-Korean words are easier than total heterotypic one. with the Korean level increasing, two types’ difficulty level will decline. homotypic-non-synonym Sino-Korean words are more difficult than homotypic-near-synonym words, especially at the beginner level, however, when students enter the intermediate level, semantic difference between Sino-Korean words and Chinese become more complicated and difficult. Relatively, homotypic-non-synonym words can be easier by repeated practice with the improvement of Korean.
