출판 프로젝트를 통한 한국어 교육 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The demand for learning Korean and the expectations of Korean learners is on the rise as of late. Especially in demand is a professional Korean teaching-learning methodology which satisfies the various aspects for advanced learners. There are a gro...

The demand for learning Korean and the expectations of Korean learners is on the rise as of late.
Especially in demand is a professional Korean teaching-learning methodology which satisfies the various aspects for advanced learners. There are a growing number of Korean language learners who study the Korean language with the purpose of specialization, not simply as a hobby or interest.
And it’s requirement must not overlook the needs of effective Korean textbooks which can support the above Korean teaching-learning methodology. The study stated, “Korean Teaching-Learning Methodology using the Publication Project Approach” will study these needs. This is appropriate for Korean learners who are intermediate level and above.
The purpose of this study is proving that a publication project can be used for the Korean education and the development of Korean textbooks effectively. There are two key focuses of this study
First, this study tried to prove and elucidate that the Korean teaching-learning activity using publication project is effective for, the improvement of using the Korean language ability in the cognitive domain like comprehension and expression, and the formation of Korean learning attitude in the affective domain such as emotional, non-cognitive responses.
Second, This study researched that there is a potential to serve many important functions as databases for the development of Korean textbooks, which is the result of the publication project that the teachers and students made collaboratively
In order to do this study, First, this redefined the publication project on this study over the earlier studies, which is treated as a step of writing education
The new publication project methodology expects positive effects in the teaching-learning of integrative approach which has amalgamated the speaking, listening, reading, writing of the Korean language, the improvement of whole language ability, and the formation of an effective domain.
This introduces two internal, Korean researches of publication project and the analyses of the pre-made book class and the Korean textbook that the professor and students in Vienna University created through mutual cooperation.
It has created a future Korean Teaching-Learning Methodology using the Publication Project Approach to develop Korean education on the basis of earlier studies and the analysis of the Korean textbook by participants in this project.
Also, this has designed a semester curriculum based on the Korean teaching-learning project and created a specific teaching-learning guidance which utilizes the workshop model. In addition, it will explore the viable plans of real world applications in a live school environment.
The study on Korean education needs more attention these days, as there has been little to no research into this teaching-learning method. Therefore, we can expect that this study will contribute to the conceptional growth of the publication project based on various theoretical background, including whole language and integrative language approach. Studying this project is meaningful because it will help research and create advanced Korean education in the future.
