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형태 초점 교수법을 활용한 '은/는' '이/가'의 교수 학습 방법 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The goal to be ultimately sought after in learning a foreign language is to improve communication ability. To improve the ability, one has to be able to formulate infinite sentences by internalizing the grammatical system of target language. The Korea...

The goal to be ultimately sought after in learning a foreign language is to improve communication ability. To improve the ability, one has to be able to formulate infinite sentences by internalizing the grammatical system of target language. The Korean language, which belongs to the agglutinative family, uses endings, particles and etc. to show case inflection. Among those, roles of particles are important, and poor use of them in Korean would lead to lack of precision and fluency in communication. with these needs as the background, this study presented a teaching-learning model using 'Focus on Form' methods that help properly select ‘Eun/Nun’ & ‘Ee/Ka’ during actual utterance.
I composed the contents and teaching methods that would apply ‘Eun/Nun’ & ‘Ee/Ka’ to the basic·intermediate teaching levels. As for the basic level teaching method, I focused on the semantic functions of these particles, and as for the intermediate level teaching method, I focused on more complex, refined elements such as semantics of discourse-pragmatics, combination relations and etc. I divided the learning-model that pays attention not only to linguistic semantics but also linguistic forms into five stages; introduction, presentation, practice, assignment, and arrangement.
In the introductory stage, which motivates learners to have interest & excitement by having them focused through repetitive presentation of ‘Eun/Nun’ & ‘Ee/Ka,’ I used the input flood technique, which reminds them of what they learn by casting semantic questions related to the topic and provides input by naturally exposing a learning goal to them, using various means.
In the presentation/explanation stage, I used the input enhancement technique to explain semantic contexts, related situations, and basic functions & meanings of target language forms, ‘Eun/Nun’ & ‘Ee/Ka,’ and guided them to repeated practice.
Error correction requesting technique applies to practice. In case they make recurrent errors in using ‘Eun/Nun’ & ‘Ee/Ka,’, teachers clearly present their grammatical phenomena and help get the precise hang of them at practice stage.
The assignment stage is a stage where they carry out their assignments in actual situations through practice. Accordingly, the assignments composed to improve communication ability can include not only mere practices, but also all activities related to actual language life.
The assignment stage is a stage where they can improve their communication ability by finding grammatical restrictions and rules through questions and answers on what they hardly understand during assignment-doing activities on the forms of target language, ‘Eun/Nun’ & ‘Ee/Ka.’ Consciousness raising tasks of Focus on Form apply in here.
The arrangement stage is a stage, where they check whether they have completed the assignments, arrange what they have learned on ‘Eun/Nun’ & ‘Ee/Ka,’ through teacher's feedback, are given new assignments, and encouraged/inspired to have self-confidence that will lead them to comprehensive linguistic ability of speaking, reading comprehension, writing, and listening in actual communicating situations. I used the error recognition-correction technique that helps learners recognize/correct their errors by teachers re-asking them more clearly/properly adjusted questions on the repetitive/systematic errors revealed in their learning process or results so that they may acquire correct forms of target language.
Dividing Korean particles; Eun/Nun’ & ‘Ee/Ka’ into basic and intermediate learning models, this thesis presented focus-on-form method that enables smooth communication using various activities contained in the method.
Since more and more foreigners learn Korean and their nationalities are diverse, this is the time to devise many kinds of educational methods. If we train foreigners learning Korean, focusing them on grammatical commonness & difference between Korean and their mother tongue, rather than unilaterally teaching grammar characteristics of Korean, they will find it easier to understand. In addition, use of the focus-on-form technique for them to have repetitive practice and compose new sentences on their own will improve their communication ability in Korean.
