한·영 대조를 통한 한국어 문화어 교육 방안 연구 : 관용어, 연어, 속담을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The purpose of this study was to prove the effect of contraste studies of Korea-English cultural language. For this purpose, a method of contraste studies of cultural language will be discussed, and a list of contraste studies of Korea-English cultur...

The purpose of this study was to prove the effect of contraste studies of Korea-English cultural language. For this purpose, a method of contraste studies of cultural language will be discussed, and a list of contraste studies of Korea-English cultural language will be provided for teaching Korean. Then, a test will be designed to discuss the effect of contraste studies of Korea-English cultural language.
Chapter 1 discussed why this studies is needed and suggested the contents and methodology of study. The topics of study are: first, would the contraste studies of Korean-English cultural language more effective for SKL-CC from English-speaking countries? Second, would the contraste studies of Korean-English cultural language more effective for SKL-CC from non-English-speaking countries? Third, would the level of difficulty through contrastive analysis match the difficulty of learning?
Chapter 2 defined contraste studies and set the procedure of contraste studies of cultural language and the scope of Korean cultural language.
Chapter 3 suggested eight principles of contraste studies of cultural language and an overview and example of courses with idioms, collocations, and proverbs.
Chapter 4 listed cultural language for a contrastive analysis of Korea-English cultural language. The list of Korean idioms contained 182 idioms from Korean language materials and compared with English. The difficulty of learning was classified into five steps of 1 through 5. The list of Korean collocations brought 896 collocations from a preceding study to compare with English. The difficulty of learning was classified into five steps of 1 through 5. Then, 211 Korean proverbs were selected by analyzing Korean language materials to compare with English. The difficulty of learning was classified into four steps of 1 through 4.
Chapter 5 designed a lab course based on Chapters 3, 4 and discussed the effect of cultural language teaching through Korean-English contraste
studies. The following are the findings:
As the contraste studies of idioms showed 20% less error rate compared to non-contraste studies, so the learning was effective. However, the difficulty of learning was not consistent. For collocations, the error rate was 24% lower with contraste studies, so the learning was effective. The difficulty of learning was not consistent with a slight difference.
Proverbs were taught for English-speaking students and non- English-speaking students. English-speaking students showed 29% lower error rate with contraste studies, so the learning was effective. The difficulty of learning was also consistent. Non-English-speaking students showed 27% lower error rate with contraste studies, so the learning was effective. However, the difficulty of learning was not consistent.
Based on the findings of this study, the contraste studies of Korea-English cultural language would be effective for learners. However, the level of difficulty would be more effective for courses for English-speaking SKL-CC than for non-English-speaking SKL-CC.
