'영어어순해석' 수업이 중학생들의 독해력에 미치는 효과 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

ABSTRACT The Effects of Teaching ‘English Word-Order Translation’ on Reading Comprehension of Middle School Students Kim, Jin-young Advisor: Kyung-ja Kim Ph.D. Majo...


The Effects of Teaching ‘English Word-Order Translation’ on Reading Comprehension of Middle School Students

Kim, Jin-young
Advisor: Kyung-ja Kim Ph.D.
Major in English Language Education
Graduate School of Education, Chosun University
Gwang-ju, Korea

Korean students frequently make many mistakes when they translate even if they are very simple English sentences. One of the major reasons for making errors is the difference of the word-order between Korean and English because of their native tongue interference.
The purpose of this study is to get over the difficulty when it comes to the difference of word-order between Korean and English. Also the goal is to improve Korean learner’s reading abilities. This study is experimented by using an ‘English word-order translation’ method for middle school students. This helps them to understand the difference of word-order, translate English word-order and develop their abilities so that they can read as well as understand in English at the same time.
For this study, the students have been pre-surveyed to find out their English reading comprehension and to English word-order awareness and check their English reading confidence. There are 15 first and second grade middle school students who participated in this experiment for 2 months.

The research questions are as follows:
1) Are there differences of English reading awareness and reading confidence after learning about the ‘English word-order translation’?
2) Through the ‘English word-order translation’ method, do the students improve their reading skills?
3) Are there differences of English reading awareness and reading abilities between grades?

The results of this study are as follows:
1) English reading awareness and confidence of students increased a little but they were insignificant.
2) The students’ reading points average has climbed 3.4points from 6.73 to 10.13. As a result, the ‘English word-order translation’ method has a synergy effect on English reading comprehension.
3) There were differences of reading abilities between the first grade and the second grade. The first grade students got a few more points from reading test than the second grade students. Also, there were little differences of English reading awareness between the grades. But there were changes of their awareness and confidence for reading in a good way. The result of this study is that the ‘English word-order translation’ method is more effective to the lower grades.
In conclusion, the ‘English word-order translation’ method can reduce the errors of Korean language interference and improve English reading abilities by practicing this method constantly. Furthermore, English writing abilities can improve by retranslating Korean into English from korean that they translated before. Eventually, the students who learned this method will be able to improve their English reading accuracy and fluency. In addition, it is clearly helpful for student’s English grammar skill through word-order teaching.
