The purpose of this study is to classify semantic relators of compound nouns and types of English-into-Korean translation shift. Making compound nouns is the most common and easiest way to create new words. Also they have A highest percentage of the c...
The purpose of this study is to classify semantic relators of compound nouns and types of English-into-Korean translation shift. Making compound nouns is the most common and easiest way to create new words. Also they have A highest percentage of the combining words. I look into the definition of English compound nouns and several analyses on the semantic categories.
Compounds are composed of two free words or more, and syntactically they are fossilized. English compound nouns can be classified in view of semantics and pragmatics. They also can be distinguished from noun phrases using morphological, phonological, syntactic and semantic criteria. However, distinguishing compound nouns from noun phrases cannot perfectly be explained by these criteria. This study claims that the meaning of English compound nouns depends on their semantic relator based on their conceptual combination. I focus on their semantic relationship between the composing elements of compound nouns and find out facts about semantic patterns of N-N compounds. It is necessary to determine the boundary with semantic relevant criteria. Then I try analysing English compound nouns based on of Levi and Nida theory.
Nida(1973) suggests 4 semantic relations as contiguity, included sets, overlapping, complementary relationship and Levi classified 9 comprehensive semantic categories to interpret the English compound nouns. I selected 200 compound nouns from text book ‘Anna Karenina’ written by Leo tolstoy. and I compared to 3types of korean version. The data were compare with English Compound nouns with those of Korea.
When compounds nouns translated into Korean, a variety of word class shifting were taken placed. It indicates that translation need to use conversion in the translate processes. I classified 5 translation types such as one to one confrontation, word class shift, meaning expansion, combing similar meaning words and ellipsis, nominalized idiom words.
In the translation pattern analysis, the result show that about 62.5% of them in the source texts have one to one confrontation in the corresponding target texts. Also about 13.5% of compound nouns in the source texts have nominalized in the corresponding target texts. The low proportion category is to combine similar constituent and ellipsis of meaning.
In Levi’ s analysis, ‘for’ and ‘in’ semantic categories take high rates. The important in the semantic analysis of compound nouns is not the semantic translation of each compounds but the classification into possible semantic patterns of them.
The new number of compound nouns ever increasing, because of their greatly useful convenience, economical expression and informal intimacy. The study also showed the aspect of new words' translation in OED(Oxford English Dictionary) from 2013 to 2015. Unlike in the past, the meaning of new compound nouns has been developing a wide to merged application.
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