결혼이주여성과 그 자녀의 한국어 모음 음향학적 특성비교 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

Purpose This study investigated the differences in the acoustic characteristics of Korean vowels pronounced by the three groups, native Korean females, migrant females and their children. To examine the acoustic characteristics of Korean vowels, the...

This study investigated the differences in the acoustic characteristics of Korean vowels pronounced by the three groups, native Korean females, migrant females and their children. To examine the acoustic characteristics of Korean vowels, the fundamental frequency and formant of the vowels were analyzed, and the vowels were further categorized into rounding vowels and front·back vowels to examine and analyze them in further detail.
Also through comparison of the three groups formant zones and vowels spaces, the characteristic differences of the pronunciation of vowels for the three groups were compared. This study examined whether the, migrant females and their children could accurately articulate and express Korean vowels compared to the native korean females, the vowel systems of the migrant females native languages were compared with the vowel system of the Korean in order to study how the differences in vowels systems among languages affect the vowel pronunciation. In addition of the native korean and migrant females.

Subjects and Methods
The participants of this study were nine Korean females, 16 migrant females (9 Japanese and 7 Vietnamese), and their 16 children Neither migrant females length of residency korea nor their children's age was a limiting factor when selecting the participants for the study the fundamental frequencies of Korean single vowels /a/, /i/, /u/, /e/, /ɛ/, /o/, /ɔ/, /ɯ/ were measured using multi-speech, which were then expressed as LPC to measure the which are most stable ranges of the vowels formant value 1, 2, and 3 formants. Using the measured formant values, the characteristics of rounding vowels and front-back were compared and analyzed. Also the formant values(Hz) were converted into Bark. which is auditory conscious value. Finally, the PlotFormant program was used to obtain the formant zone using the measured 1, 2 formant values and Excel was used to derive eight angles of vowels in order to compare the space characteristics of the vowels.
Results and Conclusions
The results of this study are as follows: the native Korean female group was shown to possess the highest fundamental frequencies, followed in the order by Vietnamese migrant female group, Vietnamese migrant female’s children, Japanese migrant female group, and with the Japanese migrant female’s children. For the analysis results of the rounding vowels, Japanese migrant female group and their children, and Vietnamese migrant female group and their children, all showed significant differences from the native Korean female group for the /u/, /o/, /ɯ/ vowels, In addition, Vietnamese migrant female group and their children, showed significant differences with the Korean female group for all the vowels except the vowels /i/. For the analysis results of the front·back vowels, Japanese migrant female group and their children showed considerable differences with the Korean female group for the /i/, /u/, /e/, /ɛ/ vowels, and the Vietnamese Migrant Female group and their children showed differences with the Korean female group for the /a/, /u/, /o/, /ɔ/, /ɯ/ vowels.
For the formant zone analysis, Vietnamese migrant female group and their children showed a wider range for all the vowels than that of Japanese migrant female group and their children. Japanese migrant female group and their children showed overlapping range between the /ɯ/ and /u/ vowels, while Vietnamese migrant female group and their children showed overlapping range in between both the /ɔ/and /ɯ/, and /o/ and /u/ vowels. Neither groups were able to distinguish between the /e/ and /ɛ/ vowels.
For the comparison of vowels spaces, Japanese migrant female group and their children showed overall similar vowels spaces with those of the Korean female group, while all the migrant female groups and their children regardless of their nationality showed narrower vowels spaces than those of the Korean native female group.
