속담을 활용한 한국어학습자료개발연구 : 몽골학습자를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

Teaching a language using proverbs gives you an invigoration. Using proverbs, students empathize with each other, become more focused, and can be introduced a good definition and the importance of the language. Showing a picture while studying vocabs ...

Teaching a language using proverbs gives you an invigoration. Using proverbs, students empathize with each other, become more focused, and can be introduced a good definition and the importance of the language. Showing a picture while studying vocabs would add another hue to the rainbow.
First I will introduce about the organized-essential features of the proverbs then about teaching Korean using proverbs. If we know the proverbs of its country, we can understand the culture of its country as well. Then we will have more attention toward the country as well as its language. Proverbs show the nation’s thinking methods, people’s life, and their consciousness flowing in their heart. So in order to understand a nation’s thinking methods and their culture, understanding their proverbs is very efficient.
So I wrote following premise to help the language learning more interesting and natural through understanding the culture, customs, and the values of the people of two countries: Korea and Mongolia. Since proverbs are produced by the society it is applied to, it reflects the regional and periodical original color of that society. It also show people’s philosophy based on their lives.
Korean proverbs were often created from Confucianism based feudalistic society and agriculture of inhabitants’ society. In reverse, Mongolian proverbs were created in nomadic cultural background based on tribal society. Also, Korean proverbs were created in masculine based patriarch society, and were created within the moral system based on Confucian studies, while Mongolian proverbs were inherited through oral literature because of the peculiar alphabets of nomadic society, and they had a feature based on their maternal society where the women had responsible on household affairs.
One of the advancement in the rhythm and rhetoric in Mongolian proverbs is how the oral literature shows its merit well. There are similarities between Mongolia and Korea in linguistic studies, the customs, and the languages resulted by the historic interchange in Chinghis Khan Period. But there also exists cultural differences in ecological environments of two countries. In Korean proverbs, when talking about femininity, affected by the Confucian feudalism, women’s position were always located beneath men’s position. The fact is that women were treated as bad as one of the furniture in the house. Some of Mongolian proverbs also contain expressions abasing women, but it didn’t have anything about women being one of men’s possessions like Korea did say, and that the improper acts and personality of women indicated problems in men instead of the women. Also, there is a difference on how Korean proverbs relate to women living in men’s house after marriage.
Korean proverbs often have negative expressions on women’s character and actions. The major expressions are ‘they are whimsy, short-hearted, obscene; they envy, gossip, and meddle’. The only thing that is positive about women was that they were benevolent. These things were often expressed by men who wanted women to keep their purity. These were also expressed by men, who wanted to keep their vested rights in a patriarchsociety.

1. Understanding Mongolian Proverbs and Korean language Education
Mongolian proverbs often have an emphasis on how women should always be benevolent, wise, and homely. So it always warns women not to act capriciously, be lazy, and have troubles with others.
When we look at the position and responsibility of a wife in Korean proverbs, it emphasizes that an ideal wife would be a benevolent mother while being a kind wife. In the relationship of husband and wife, the major role of the wife was to be patient, give away, everything for the husband, and living a sacrificing life. Patience, simplicity, and diligence were virtues that a benevolent wife should have. In Korea, there was a severe difference between wife and husband, and wife had to always obey her husband.
Mongolian proverbs also talks about disciplines of each husband and wife, but also emphasizes on wife’s affect to the family. Women arguing or breaking the peace of a family, and trying to be in charge were always warned. In Mongolia, good wife referred to helping husband and being his life companion.
There is a similarity between Mongolian and Korean proverbs that a family will stand if the women have a nice character. But while Koreans say women should be subordinate to men, Mongolians say women must be a life companion of men. Also, Mongolian proverbs often say even though there are specific roles to each husband and wife, there is more responsibility on men than women. This opposes to Korean proverbs where all the bad happenings are related to women.
When we compare Korean and Mongolian proverbs talking about family relations, Korean proverbs mostly mentions the husband’s family. It is because when a woman marries to a man in Korea, she has to live in her husband’s house forever, so the proverbs contain difficulties between the woman and the husband’s family.
Reversely, In Mongolian nomadic society, instead of woman going to husband’s house, they become a nuclear family, which little or no difficulties exist between anybody, and Mongolian’s individualistic way of thinking also can be a reason why they have so little difficulties. In Korea, the case is that women, after marriage, need to lay their whole life housekeeping and this often is a really hard job. This would not only make problems with the mother-in-law, but also with her sister-in-law and brother-in-law. The unique thing is that the difficulties in housekeeping that women often face come from the mother-in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law. Since a person who lives in the house is woman, it occurs more hardships.

2. Understanding Korean Proverbs and Korean Education When we look at Korean proverbs, it is easy to notice that Korea once had a Confucianism-based agricultural society. This affected by giving people ranking sense, and a strong sense of young respecting the old and difference between the husband and the wife. It also emphasized on obedience toward the parents and we can know women had lower positions by looking at how Korea had a male based patriarch society. We have a strong self-consciousness and most of the people have strong human nature. Paternal family-lined family was often and some of the unique features are the temple culture and the ondol culture.
In the opposite side, Mongolia was a nomadic based culture with ideas of tribal society. Since they are nomadic based, they had nature based thinking method, and the responsibilities of women was emphasized as well as babies. Also, since the mother in the family was so important, their family line was maternal. Abilities and trust was important in the society while the culture had importance on guests, tea, and traditional clothing. The main dishes were composed of meat products and dairy products. If we can compare and contrast the thinking methods of two countries while learning Korean language, we can understand the proverbs more deeply.
If a Mongolian, live in a society where male and female were equal, tried to understand Korean proverbs without fully understanding Korea’s historical and cultural traditions, it would be very hard to understand. Education of proverbs will help the students get rid of their fixed and bias ideas against other countries. And will help the student fully understand different cultures. So proverbs could be a reflection of the society. Proverbs may contain ancestor’s wisdom. I wish foreigners can understand Korean’s internal thought more so that they could learn Korean language better.
