이공계 예비 유학생을 위한 한국어 쓰기 교수요목 설계 : 문제중심학습 교수-학습 모형을 기반으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The purpose of this study is to help future foreign students majoring in science and engineering improve their writing skills and enhance academic performance after starting their major. Although the contents of communication or situation of the sc...

The purpose of this study is to help future foreign students majoring in science and engineering improve their writing skills and enhance academic performance after starting their major.
Although the contents of communication or situation of the science and engineering community are significantly different from those of other disciplines, the subjects or contents covered in the education of academic Korean language are focused on humanities and social science. As a consequence, many foreign students in the science and engineering field have difficulty after starting their major. In particular, writing is a language skill with a higher academic demand because learners show the lowest proficiency in writing, although it is essential in an academic setting. Thus, this emphasizes the need for syllabuses of Korean writing for future foreign students majoring in science and engineering for the special purpose differentiated from other disciplines and proposes a specific syllabus to that end.
Chapter 2 describes the problem-based learning and science writing, which are the theoretical background of the study, and investigates how the theories can be applied to the education of academic writing for future foreign students in the science and engineering field. Through a literature review, it also describes the communicative and text characteristics of the academic discourse community of the science and engineering discipline and the learning pattern of learners in the field. Chapter 3 identifies and analyzes the specific need of related people with the education for foreign students in science and engineering, such as foreign students, professors and Korean students in the discipline through a survey. In Chapter 4, based on the analysis of the need for foreign students in the science and engineering field, the principle of curriculum development and the direction of syllabus development for the Korean language were decided, and the syllabus for the Korean language was designed based on the curriculum development procedure.
Unlike writing in other disciplines, writing in the academic discourse community of science and engineering is characterized by an objective and concise style and frequently uses the dialectics of hypothesis-proof. In addition, it presents materials or data with tables or graphs in a compressed manner and has a lower readability as it is composed of the vocabularies of major with conceptual terms. Thus, the academic writing course for future foreign students in the science and engineering field needs to cover the discourse characteristics of the science and engineering community. More specifically, it needs to be designed to help students successfully perform after starting their major by teaching them the lecture-related features disclosed from the survey in a step-by-step and intense manner.
