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한국어 자막이 드라마 텍스트 담화에 미치는 영향 : 다문화 배경 청소년과 한국어 모어 화자의 비교를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

An effect of Korean subtitle in drama text on narrative discourse: centered on comparison between Korean as a Second Language Learner and Korean Speaker as Mother Tongue This study is an examination of the use of subtitled television drama text wit...

An effect of Korean subtitle in drama text on narrative discourse: centered on comparison between Korean as a Second Language Learner and Korean Speaker as Mother Tongue

This study is an examination of the use of subtitled television drama text with students with multicultural background(KSL) and native Korean speakers(KMT). Two groups of students watched two sessions of television drama with Korean subtitle and another two sessions without Korean subtitle. After watching the drama text, Students were asked to write what they watched during the session.
The written products were transcribed and coded as discourses based on three perspectives: the cognitive model(Kintsch & Van Dijk, 1983; Kintsch, 1986), the narrative theory(S. Chatman, 1928) and the complexity of clauses. The cognitive model was modified into four levels of television narrative processing as surface structure, textbase and situation model, which represent the depth of text processing, and meta-media, which is linguistic expression of the television image. The notion of Kernels and Satellites from the narrative theory is about causality. The Kernels have causal relationship with other episode, when eliminated, the causality of the whole stoy is ruined. The complexity of clauses in the students’ discourses represents surplus capacity for processing.
The number of clauses from the discourse production was increased when the drama was subtitled. In the perspective of the cognitive model, for both groups, when the drama is subtitled, the number of clauses from the surface sturucture has only been increased, but the increase of the number of clauses from the textbase and the situation model was not significant. The increased number of clauses from the meta-media was marginally significant for KMT group. Subtitles benefit the surface structure, activating working memory.
In terms of the narrative theory, the number of clauses from the kernel scene has been substantially increased in both groups. Subtitles appears to aid the role of schemata which present information hierarchically, so that subtitles make the recall of kernel scene easier. Schemata elaborated with subtitles strengthen the causal relationship of kernels with other episodes.

The increasing number of complex clauses suggests the evidence of condition which permits possibility of processing complex thinking. in both groups shows contradictory results. The number of complex clauses in KSL group decreased in subtitled condition. whereas the number of complex clauses in KSL group increased in subtitled condition. As language proficiency works as schemata in the long-term memory, subtitle information is integrated into the schemata, so the condition leads to an increase in the capacity of working memory. On the contrary, unelaborate schemata cannot accommodate new information, which increase demands for mental capacity, students with low proficiency are unable to produce complex clauses.
