한류가 한국 화장품 브랜드 태도에 미치는 영향력의 경로에 대한 유연성 모델 검증 : 소비가치를 매개로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This study tested if the flexible model of country-of-origin effects (Knight & Calantone, 2000) explains the causal paths for Chinese consumers to form their attitude on Korean cosmetics brands. The model posits that the country effects shape brand at...

This study tested if the flexible model of country-of-origin effects (Knight & Calantone, 2000) explains the causal paths for Chinese consumers to form their attitude on Korean cosmetics brands. The model posits that the country effects shape brand attitude not only directly but via brand beliefs indirectly, regardless of brand familiarity. In replication, this study also aimed to develop the model further in two ways: first by focusing on a subset of country-of-origin, a country’s cultural image (Hallyu), and second by replacing brand beliefs with consumption values. It also investigated how purchase intention is influenced by country animosity and consumer-ethnocentrism. A total of 300 Chinese in Beijing and Shanghai participated in an on-line survey in March 2014. The data was then analyzed by statistical techniques including multiple regression and Baron and Kenny’s (1986) test of indirect effects. Controlling for the levels of familiarity, this study found the flexible model failing to replicate. Hallyu had only a significant direct impact on their attitude, but not indirectly via their perceived consumption values. Also only their animosity toward Korea was found to influence negatively their purchase intention while their ethnocentrism had no significant impact. In conclusion, this study discussed a potential bias to its findings, particularly on the invalidation of the flexible model: the sample under analysis featured a low level of familiarity in absolute terms. For the likely limitation, it proposed future replication using a sample of wide levels of familiarity.
