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한국어 종결어미의 억양 실현 양상 연구 : 중국인, 일본인 고급 학습자를 대상으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

An Acoustic Study of the pitch of Korean Final Endings produced by Advanced Chinese and Japanese Learners. The purpose of this study is to investigate the aspects of realization of Intonation of the Korean language by comparing and analyzing the ...

An Acoustic Study of the pitch of Korean Final Endings produced by Advanced Chinese and Japanese Learners.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the aspects of realization of Intonation of the Korean language by comparing and analyzing the pattern of Intonation of the Korean language between Korean native speakers and Chinese and Japanese learners in the Korean language with the targets of final endings showing different accents depending on the different meanings with the same appearance, and establish the actual basic data which can be utilized in education for Intonation of the Korean language.
In order to achieve this goal, we investigated the concept of Intonation and system of Intonation of the Korean language in chapter 2. 9 kinds of boundary tones of intonational phrases presented in Jun (2000) and 9 kinds of nuclear tones presented in Lee, HoYoung (1996) were compared for Intonation applied at the end of syllable in this study. In addition, the functions of Intonation were divided into grammatical functions, pragmatic function, delivery function of emotion and attitude according to classification of Lee, HoYoung (1996) and the list of final endings appropriate for this study were selected.
In chapter 3, experimental methods to study the aspects of realization of Intonation on final endings were presented and the validity of this study was obtained.
In chapter 4, the aspects of realization of Intonation between Korean native speakers in their 20-30s who used the standard language and Chinese and Japanese advanced learners were compared and analyzed through voice experiments. Through the results, it was found that there were differences in aspects of realization of Intonation between Korean native speakers and Chinese and Japanese learners. When looking at Intonation of Korean native speakers, it was found that discrimination of Intonation occurred in eight final endings such as ‘-(으)ㄹ걸’, ‘-거든’, ‘-(으)ㄹ텐데’, ‘-는데’, ‘-다’, ‘-아/어/여야지’, ‘-(으)ㄹ까?’, ‘-고?’ among 12 final endings selected in this study. However, when looking at discriminated eight final endings of Chinese and Japanese learners, it was found that they did not use most of final endings as naturally as Korean native speakers did. Final endings which Chinese and Japanese learners did not use very well had the meaning of regret such as ‘-거든’, ‘-는데’, ‘-다’, ‘-아/어/여야지’, ‘-(으)ㄹ까?’ and the meaning of nitpicking such as ‘-고?’. It was also found that both Chinese learners and Japanese learners did not realize the pattern of Intonation in respective final endings commonly. Thus, it will be important to let learners recognize the distinction of Intonation of final endings depending on meaning and help them make articulation more naturally.
This study is significant, since it investigated the aspects of realization of Intonation of Korean native speakers as well as Chinese and Japanese learners and it accumulated the basic data of studies on Intonation by visually presenting the pattern of Intonation of learners with the graph through comparison and analysis.
