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다문화가정 자녀를 위한 한국어 능력 향상 방안 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

I intend to search a variety of plans which can improve learning ability and establish to identify of multicultural domestic children and to cheer up pride of their through this study. For these first of all it has to perform that the multicultural Ko...

I intend to search a variety of plans which can improve learning ability and establish to identify of multicultural domestic children and to cheer up pride of their through this study. For these first of all it has to perform that the multicultural Korean language ability improvement. Because Korean language ability directly or indirectly affect to achieve of learning work in other text subject beyond the simple communication function. For Korean inexperience psychological atrophy brings forth multicultural domestic children's confusion of identity. The multicultural domestic children can securely be grown as a member of our society, I try to study the plan and a variety of supports in order to improve of Korean language ability. The methodology is as follows:
In the first chapter, I treat with necessity of this study and purpose and examine the previous study which related in Korean language education and multicultural domestic child education during the past time.
In the second chapter, in order to understand for multicultural family, I will examine the present condition of multicultural domestic children, the children's Korean language ability, home background related multicultural domestic mother's Korean language ability or related condition's influence of her children, and adaptation of school life. Together with this, through examining of U.S.A., France, and neighbourhood nation Japanese multicultural education which entered multicultural society, and I intend to refer to compare with our multicultural education.
In the third chapter, I intend to examine the cause of multiculural domestic children's Korean language ability dullness and the actual condition of multicultural domestic parents of students' education for reference this study research's questionnaire enforcement and it's contents. And I intend to examine general multicultural domestic Korean language education's present condition through examining of actual condition of multicultural domestic children's Korean language education and Korean language text.
In the fourth chapter, I intend to investigate multicultural domestic children's Korean language education relating policy and multicultural domestic parents' education support program for Korean language ability improvement through improvement and assessment of education program which has steadily accomplished together the increase of multicultural domestic children until recently. Next, I intend to present the plan of Korean language ability improvement for multicultural children in the policy support dimension, children education support, and parents education support.
In the fifth chapter, I confirm this study's limit and intend to summarize the whole study contents.
This study researcher intends to present the plan of Korean language ability improvement to multicultural domestic children as follows: If supply the Korean education program related with after school class which operates by settlement house or district child center of a small scale region unit rather than establishing of Korean language education facilities in area centre, the effectiveness will promote by leading of some more multicultural domestic children's participation. The part of improvement related parents of students has to arrange the integrated transmission window which can easily approach the information related child education by multicultural domestic parents of students. For the plan of Korean language educational course, in the case of an infant, I see that the infant child care center has to accomplish some more active Korean language education instead of the mother who has the immaturity of Korean language ability. And there are a variety of backgrounds such as borning in Korea and growing, entering of halfway, and in the case of parents all their job and so on. For their Korean language ability is showing also difference so the Korean language education which considers as this point has to proceed. Finally, I expect that multicultural domestic children has to healthily grow as a member of Korean society by enforcement of multicultural education for all children who include general domestic child and for a role of teacher's important part and by each other understanding and respect.
