한국어 한자어 장단 양용 한자음 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

As we all know, the vowel length alternation exists in Korean words. According to the lengthening or shortening of the vowel, the meaning of the words also changes. A large number of studies have been done and there are now some academic achievements ...

As we all know, the vowel length alternation exists in Korean words. According to the lengthening or shortening of the vowel, the meaning of the words also changes. A large number of studies have been done and there are now some academic achievements about that. Meanwhile, the vowel shortening and lengthening makes sense in Sino-Korean terms. Those words are called the dual vowel length of Sino-Korean terms. What is called the dual vowel length is that the vowel length of a Sino-Korean could be both lengthening and shortening. The meaning of the same Sino-Korean term can be differentiated by the length of vowel. Take the Chinese word ‘强’ for an example, the word is a dual vowel length of Sino-Korean term. The vowel lengthening in the word ‘强求[강:구]’ whose meaning is to insist. When we pronounce the word ‘强健[강건]’ which means strong and healthy, we shortening it. Though there are many dual vowel length of Sino-Korean terms, the studies of them is less. The thesis takes the dual vowel length of Sino-Korean terms as research objects and mainly achieved study as follow.
To begin with, I have collected 101 dual vowel length of Sino-Korean terms according to the dictionary 『우리말의 长短音』(김명남, 1995) and use them as the data of my study.
Chapter 3 is mainly divided into two parts based on the 101 dual vowel length of Sino-Korean words. PartⅠis the dual vowel length of Sino-Korean words and their corresponding types to the Chinese lexical tones. And PartⅡ is about the types of the words without corresponding to the Chinese tones.
When we shortening the vowel length of Sino-Korean words in the partⅠof chapter 3, the pronunciation corresponds to the first and the second of the Chinese tones, and when we lengthening the vowel length, it corresponds to the third and the fourth of the four tones in Chinese. They are the corresponding types to the Chinese tones. Take the Chinese word ‘長’for an example, the word ‘長’of ‘長女’, which means the eldest daughter of a family, is a long pronunciation and is pronounced as [장:녀]. The pronunciation corresponds to the third tone of the Chinese tones. However, the word ‘長’of ‘長城’, which is the Great Wall, is a short pronunciation and should be pronounced like [장성]. It does correspond to the second of the four tones. The same ‘長’ pronounces differently. It is a dual Chinese word itself.
Except ‘長’and another six dual vowel length of Sino-Korean words, the 94 of the 101 words are without corresponding to the Chinese tones. I analyzed them by studying the vowel length in Sino-Korean terms and tried to find out why the vowel is lengthened or shortened in the very word and the regularity to the changes. So the non-correspondence types are classified in partⅡ as follow in chapter3: the Meanings, the Inherent none, the Korea style Sino-Korean words, the Different usage, the Nonstandard language and other types which can not be classified.
I draw the following conclusions according to my study above: the dual vowel length of Sino-Korean words are different from the vowel length of Sino-Korean phenomenon. Though there are dual vowel length of Sino-Korean words which are corresponding to the Chinese tones, but the number of the words is only 7 of the 101 words. When composing Sino-Korean terms, the vowel length of the other 94 Sino-Korean words lengthening or shortening regularly to the different types by themselves.
