대역 자료 중심의 한·중 인과관계 연결표현 대조 분석 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This compares and analyzes the correspondence of Korean-Chinese causality conjunction which in accordance with the ‘­아서’, ‘­니까’, ‘­기 때문에’, ‘­느라고’, ‘­므로’, ‘­는 바람에’ six Korean causali...

This compares and analyzes the correspondence of Korean-Chinese causality conjunction which in accordance with the ‘­아서’, ‘­니까’, ‘­기 때문에’, ‘­느라고’, ‘­므로’, ‘­는 바람에’ six Korean causality conjunction.
Chap. 2 expounds the specialties of research object of this . Firstly, introduces the classification of Korean and Chinese compound sentence. Secondly, in accordance with the difficulty level of Korean causality conjunction that separated into ‘­아서’, ‘­니까’, ‘­기 때문에’ and ‘­느라고’, ‘­므로’, ‘­는 바람에’ two parts. According to context、syntactic limitation and meaning analyze the character of them. The restrictive use of these conjunction mainly in the unity of the subject, the restrictions of predicate, the restrictive of tense and the limit of the ending of sentence. For the Chinese causality conjunction is difficulty to separating, so in accordance with the meaning angle, the divide the express reason into ‘因为’,‘由于’,‘既然’,‘为了’,韩语毕业论文,and meanwhile divide the express result into ‘所以’,‘因此’, ‘因而’,韩语毕业论文, ‘以致’. According to the context, the restrictive use is mainly in the position and pair bond of the causality conjunction.
Chap. 3 compares and analyzes the correspondence between Korean and Chinese according to the Korean causality conjunction. Through collected the related causality conjunction which from 9 Korean textbooks (translated from Chinese books) and 9 Chinese textbooks (translated from Korean books). Then treat these sentences as analysis materials, and through these translation materials to compare and analyze the Korean causality conjunction and Chinese causality conjunction in the order of ‘­아서’, ‘­니까’, ‘­기 때문에’, ‘­느라고’, ‘­므로’, ‘­는 바람에’.
Chap. 4 raises questions according to the analysis results of Chap.3.Firstly, the translation of grammar explanation and example of the textbooks and grammar books (exploited for Chinese learner) has problem. Secondly, the question is because complex syntactic specifications of Korean language and the causality conjunction repetitiveness existed when Korean sentences translated into Chinese, so the Chinese people meet more problems during they study the Korean language. At last, according to these raised questions offered the relevant method to solve them.
